Bullshit. Sorry. Only patriot to actually stand up to tyranny is Kyle Rittenhouse. Saying its in Gods hands or hoping Trump will fix things does not put you on the same level as the actual patriots 250 years ago.
Inauguration Day Prayer: While other platforms are attempting to remove God altogether, Wimkin supports faith of all kinds. We are a predominately Christian platform and many of us are active in faith... View MoreInauguration Day Prayer: While other platforms are attempting to remove God altogether, Wimkin supports faith of all kinds. We are a predominately Christian platform and many of us are active in faith. Instead of violent protests, we are asking for all Wimkin Warriors of faith to help us organize an Inauguration Day Prayer across the nation and the world to pray for America and all her inhabitants. Date and Time: Wednesday, 1/20/21 at 12:00 PM EST. The power of prayer is immense and perhaps, we can make a major difference in overcoming the evils of 2020-21. Thank you!??????