Group Info
The original group from MeWe 12000 members strong with Alex Jungle as the creator of the group, group deleted by MeWe with zero explanations and zero warning and 100% cen... More
Melissa McGarity
Do you suppose they will flee when the heavens roll up as a scroll? You decide! Revelation 6:14 “And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were m... View More
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Melissa McGarity
Melissa McGarity
See footage and people's thoughts on the #MauiFires #PeoplesFundOfMaui started by #Oprah #TheRock... View More
Melissa McGarity
* Interesting questions surround the #PeoplesFundofMaui is it coming from the #HeartSpace? * Some interesting thoughts and questions from viewers on Oprah and other elites. ... View More
Gumler Family
Gumler Family
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