Your country has tried to kill you! Hydrochloroquin was removed by our government and not available for treating covid or whatever this is! It takes care of this in a couple days and it wasn't availab... View MoreYour country has tried to kill you! Hydrochloroquin was removed by our government and not available for treating covid or whatever this is! It takes care of this in a couple days and it wasn't available!!! I no longer trust my government!!!
So Joe Biden, in 1973, killed the $ deal we had worked out with Vietnam in the Paris Peace Accords!
Later, Biden was VP when Ambassador Chris Stevens and the three other Heroes were killed in Benghaz... View MoreSo Joe Biden, in 1973, killed the $ deal we had worked out with Vietnam in the Paris Peace Accords!
Later, Biden was VP when Ambassador Chris Stevens and the three other Heroes were killed in Benghazi!
Now Biden pulls our Combatants out of Afghanistan in the middle of the night without informing Afghanistan! Consequently Afghan troops surrendered with their weapons to the Taliban! Biden doesn't plan on acknowledging their efforts, deaths, or limbs lost because the troops did not win the War! So, we're going to have another troop disgracing, like the Vietnam War! In actuality it is our leaders who are losing these wars!
And Biden intends to expel the Afghani's who helped us! That is certain deaths to these people!
These so called leaders have done nothing to help our Country!
Disgusting POS's!
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