Facebook walkaway?
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This was sent to a lot of people, should be interesting.
Someone tell Jason to fire up another server ?
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Hiw about get off FB permanently!! I deleted my account, but it takes 30 days to finalize it. Its been hard, but trying to stay true.

Mary Carini
So pathetic that people who claim to be Patriots won't permanently leave FB EVEN THO THEY KNOW IT IS A FACIST ORGANIZATION. "I have all my pictures, vids, etc. on FB!" Pathetic. You should all be charged with war time crimes. Everyone one of you hippocrates.
Today Alex went to the DMV to renew his license. When he was told to go have his picture taken he noticed that there were some men having their picture taken, these men were wearing turbins on there h... View More
Yeah, so he got his picture with the hat on. Meanwhile, the US is about the be raped by the communist. But hey, a victory right?
That wont be possible. We will be the United States of Communist China.
The Philly inquirer is a toilet rag. That headline is inaccurate to say the least.