Kevin Espeseth
on October 15, 2024
WBR Live,
''Daily Constitution''
Sick Call Tuesday
(pic on wimkin)
I went to the gym (25 years) to play on the equipment.
How are your ''stunt persons'' protected? Talk to my cousin -Elon- about NON powered body support carbon fibre with the advanced com sensory enhancement system. It won't let you bend harmful. But one can carry 200(?) lbs laterally (not much human frame stress when supported), like running a 10K.
Pop quiz hot shots:
10,000 -powered- units sold at extraordinary empty dollars before the lithium supply dries up,
Or, 200,000,000 (+) units sold as unpowered support structure for human hazard and transport conditions (enhanced powered perception com standard)?
You don't support the ''suit''. It supports you. You just move around inside the definitions. It grabs the soft tissue (sans head), with the correct amount of -measured and tested- pressure from a leather(?) interior. The correct hydraulics; the pressure points could be focused to improve the body system while moving as well.
Space won't let me get into the applications for disabled, vets (24% Admin fee ''Wounded Warriors''???), aged, cops, construction, two team military with the trigger carting 100 lbs of quick ammo (tanks suck), soft tissue focused development, new sports, and exo-biology.
The head/helmet should have something like a seat belt stop motion for impact, that locks the entire assembly to the ground. One wouldn't want to drive, or use the equipment in normal human activity, but a good saddle is a requirement for cattle.
Example. A pedo raid. They have to remain in normal dress to do that job. The cops can carry all the ammo they can use, with a 10(?) person team working ''call of duty'' observation from the head cams to ''UPPER RIGHT'' back to the operator on the hazard the op may not see.
Let me be frank. The whole ''wondrous advancement'' being promoted by Trump and the Gang just reminds me of the ''Afternoon Soaps'' for the 300.
Somebody had to say it.
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