Ask Uncle Randy
on April 29, 2024
Seven keys to open...
7 doors and move on ✨️
🗝️✨️ Gratitude:
I give thanks for what I have. What I don't have, I don't need or make me unhappy.
I accept my limitations.
I separate myself from the ego and the need to prove that I am better than others.
🗝️✨️ Optimism:
I see an opportunity where others see a calamity.
I know that I do not control everything that surrounds me, but I can adapt to the reality of my life.
I cooperate with others either with my time, money or emotional support.
This allows me to experience well-being and calm with myself.
🗝️✨️ Sorry:
Loose and let go... abandon resentment and revenge. When I forgive, I benefit my mental, physical and emotional health and I grow as a person.
I focus my energy on what I choose for my well-being.
I set my intentions positively and consciously fix my attention on the present moment.
🗝️✨️ Hope:
I eliminate the doubts that I feel towards myself, I keep my purposes and dreams.
I keep my light on.
✨️ It's time to break old habits that only lead to acceptance and being one of the bunch.
Author Unknown
Love and Light,
Michelle Price
Dimension: 526 x 526
File Size: 72.73 Kb
Love (2)