Will Jones
on March 24, 2024
"Crucifixion," Latin for "impalement," was the specific and unique punishment under codified Roman law for the second conviction for "sedition": to deny Caesar was God Almighty, the Creator of Existence.
Tens of thousands of "Christs" were publicly impaled, for gold, by Rome's "Christ-killers" who marched throughout Empire in formation under Satan's Death-star of Remphan, now spuriously called the non-existent "Star of David," (read the Bible) with the Fasces-bearing lictors and magistrates to build Pax Romana on mass-terror.
Rome's teams of "Christ-killers" - supplied from King Herod's Idumeans, cousins of the 'socially superior' Jews - "disappeared to history" following the mass-witnessed Resurrection of the long awaited, prophesied Hebrew Messiah.
The Idumeans "replaced" the actual Jews, exterminated at Jerusalem in AD 70.
Their Satanic child-raping cult of Gog yet works in Satanic psychopathy with the Marian cult of Gog: Idumean/"Etruscan" Rome.
Impalement was a highly technical craft: hammering a dagger wood (viz. "dogwood") impalement stake (viz. "stauros") through an incision in the victim's perineum, avoiding vital organs: because the impalement technicians were paid in gold as a function of the time "aloft" the victim remained alive until death to maximize community terror. Some lived as long as three days.
This is why God arrived Incarnate - to suffer as much or more than any of His Children. This is why the Deity effected the miracle of Creation, knowing the pain and suffering, for a time, would be brought with it.
This is why America, alone meeting all ten signs given by God, is the actual prophesied "Israel," "the land of unwalled villages" "attacked by Gog," Ezek. 38:11, by Christ-killing unrepentant sodomite child-raping demon-possessed Rome and the false-Jews and others.
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