Off The Beaten Couch
on November 5, 2020
We play all kinds of roles in our lives. More than likely, you were placed in your role at a very young age by someone who needed you to play that role so they could fulfill their own prophecies. Over time, and with practice, you learned very well how to play that part...maybe even trying out the other parts to see which felt best or reaped the greatest rewards. As you learned this role, you also learned to seek out those in the other roles to ensure your roles success. Do you seem to attract "abusive" or "destructive" people? It's likely you've found comfort in the role of victim or rescuer. Because this is the role you know, you need the persecutor or even another victim to help you feel "normal" and will actually seek them out. Why would anyone seek out someone who would hurt or take advantage of them? Because that is literally their comfort zone. Would you know how to accept a healthy relationship with love, compassion, and equality if you'd never known anything but persecution and pain? Absolutely not! You would reject it much like a sour stomach would reject food. The discomfort alone is maddening.
Dimension: 520 x 529
File Size: 28.92 Kb
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