Rogue Nation
on March 27, 2023
California Union Pacific Train Derailment
Crew had to jump off the train when the brakes failed at 80 MPH. No hazardous materials on board. No report of injuries yet.
Dimension: 641 x 943
File Size: 241.12 Kb
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Rich Rice
Wish we in Ohio could say the same.
March 31, 2023
Nick Rizzo
I find this to be incredibly unbelievable, I just hope I am not wrong about it.
March 31, 2023
Nick Rizzo
So, this is misleading, only 55 of the cars derailed, the crew jumped when the train was doing less than 15 MPH. Then it picked up speed. How about the air breaks and the "dead man handle"?
March 31, 2023