Kevin Espeseth OP ED
on August 30, 2021
Two things today (8-30-'21):
1, Just a note up the line to the CIA planning; With all the equipment left behind, I would suggest stealing it back (probably one at a time) all 4WD and enough fuel to get past the borders through the mountains for all the don't make the 1st 'deadline'.
Then, sell the vehicle to the local drug harvester for a plane ride. When found out carpet bomb the parking lots and runways.
2, I just got booted of the misinformation FB for 30 days, this time for calling "Mr. Sulu" a "Nuremberg you moron fai#sh" about his post; telling patients it was the new treatment and injecting them with the jab (that wouldn't do anything anyway but probably let them die from Covid).
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Kevin Espeseth
I need to apologize for that statement.. I was not aware that the vet jab was a potential preventative as opposed to a treatment, after the fact. So, the statement posted is inaccurate -mostly-. The message presented is intact in form, but I should have done more research in the process better. Fo... View More
August 31, 2021 Edited