To avoid a civil war we need to voluntarily politically separate the big blue high population democrat cities from the rest of the red rural United States. How many big blue cities? That needs to be considered, but at least enough to give the right solid long term political control of the USA. A civil war at this point pitting 50% of Americans against the other 50% will be disastrous, unnecessary and avoidable if we can politically separate these cities for some time. We need a separation timeout, but maybe not a divorce. Later down the road we can look at a possible reunion after the left and right are allowed to exercise their right to pursue happiness through self determination and are still able to see value in each other, start missing one another and reuniting begins to make sense politically. At this point the costs of continuing down the current road to inevitable conflict through civil war outweigh any possible benefits. We have reached the point of intractable polarized ideologies and a serious tempermental deadlock. It is better we divide and "fork the blockchain" and allow the left to take their version of the constitution and run with it without opposition in big blue cities to experiment with socialism/communism/totalitarianism or whatever, and allow the right to uninfringe the constitution and roll back legislation that infringes on our rights to life, liberty, property and self determination. Remaining united is escalating to the point of a zero sum game, and it need not end like that. As more states flip blue due to immigration and amnesty programs the right will become increasingly politically marginalized and will only have their guns to secure their rights to free speech and other rights coming under attack by the left. The left's agenda to silence, disarm and exterminate the right is going to fail and spark a civil war. So for God's sake we need to remove the big blue cities politically from the union and give them autonomy. Let the left experiment with open borders, socialism, guaranteed income, abortion, UN agendas, WHO policies, gun confiscations, mass surveillance, triple layer perpetually masking and martial law style lockdowns, triple bathrooms, Google God AI religion, men competing in women's sports, etc. And let the rest of America do its conservative constitutional agenda to protect the unborn, pray in school, keep and bear arms uninfringed, speak freely without censorship and mass surveillance, maintain border integrity and sovereignty, etc.There is no point in one half forcing the other half to follow its agenda when both halves have zero respect for eachother and view one another as unwanted population. Both sides are increasingly seeing the other as enemies, threats, domestic terrorists, unconstitutional, threat to democracy, idiots, treasonous, fit to be deplatformed, rounded up and reeducated in camps etc. Canada is 30 million people and half of the USA is around 180 milion. We have enough to make 12 Canadas. I say we need only two. #AMEREXIT the red from the big blue cities (already happening) into the USA red zone, and migrate the blue into the Ameristan blue zone and into Agenda 21 urban apartments to meet your MDGs, Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050 goals (100% urbanization by 2050) to save the planet. Maintain liberal trade relations so the big blue cities continue to get food, water and resources. The red zone will buy back all the guns from the blue so you can achieve 100% gun free zones in the big blue cities and defund all the police so people in the Ameristan international blue zone will all feel safe and protected without guns and police and free to mix with former illegal aliens who will all get free enrty to Ameristan without need for citizenship. In Ameristan there will be no citizens. It will be an international free zone where anyone can come and live without a visa or passport. Totally open borders. If the blue zone people realize after some time that they prefer the old school USA they can migrate and vice versa. Cities can also leave the red zone to the blue zone and vice versa. It will be like two different computers with different operating systems (running Windows and Mac) linked together through the Internet (of roadways, airways and waterways) and HTML (of trade agreements and treaties). We communicate and function where it is mutually beneficial and when there is interest. All the while we retain our freedom to operate and set systemwide permissions on our respective systems that would otherwise be mutually exclusive and cause the system to crash (civil war) if we tried to operate from one computer and one operating system. With good agreements we could make alot more Americans happier, instead of making a lot more Americans dead. We need not be concerned about dividing the nation ("one nation under God indivisible...") because it is already as divided as it can get. We need to simply fork the operating systems (US Constitution and US Code) and run two parallel central governments to facilitate two distinctly incompatible cultures, ideologies, and political agendas. As far as foreign affairs and securing our contiguous territory from foreign invasion we can operate as allies like members of NATO do. We come together to defend against international threats but domestically we are sovereign and independent from one another. No one has a say in how the other governs.Otherwise you are dealing with at least 75 million pissed off American gun owners (includes the lion's share of 20 million military vets, leos, farmers, hunters, militia, heavy equip operators, bikers and truck drivers) who perceive that they have been unfairly: 1) mass survellianced by the deep state NSA IC FBI against the law (#3A #4A), 2) mass censored and deplatformed off social media (#1A), 3) politically disenfranchised by election fraud,4) economically attacked by covid19 lockdowns,5) victimized in a war being levied against them to disarm them (#2A),6) targeted by FBI CIA ATF as domestic terrorists etc.Where does that end? Nowhere good.
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Dennis Mcvey
To hell with that. Lets have the War and retake our country the communists or democraps can emigrate to Fucking China

Debbie Hadfield
BUT They WANT us to be divided.