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John Houk
Abortion - A Non-Existent Right Justin Smith tackles SCOTUS Judicial error rulings since 1973 and how actual science gives SCOTUS an opportunity for legal redemption: #SCOTUSan... View More
John Houk
Vaccine Cult Exposed by Government’s Own Data… The DOCUMENTED data is official. VAERS show adverse reactions from COVID-Jab in the last 11-months than all the rest (legit non-mRNA) vaccine adverse r... View More
John Houk
OK state senator introduces ‘Kyle’s Law’ to hold ‘malicious’ prosecutors accountable I live in Oklahoma. I grew up in Eastern Washington State (the side outnumbered Conservatives primarily reside). B... View More
John Houk
Leftists Riot for Criminals NOW America Needs an Army of Rittenhouses SUMMARY: Kyle Rittenhouse was found NOT GUILTY on ALL counts which translates as INNOCENCE CONFIRMED … defend himself comprehende... View More
John Houk
Weak Backbones-Weak Minds-Weak Spirits = Tyranny The emergence of the apparent acceptance of government-medical tyranny and the propaganda lies propping the tyranny is one of my lifetime’s grievous d... View More
John Houk
Medical Tyranny & Documented Jab Deaths PEOPLE NEED TO ASK THEMSELVES why reputed scientists and reputed medical doctors before COVID are vilified when they present science contradicting government c... View More
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