John Houk
Medical Tyranny Hidden from Public SUMMARY: Here is a Medical Tyranny update that Globalist/Marxists (that includes U.S. Dem Party despots) using fudged medical data to control YOUR life. 1) Medical... View More
John Houk
Science Fiction Looking More Like Science Fact SUMMARY: 3 cross posts (1) Who is actually managing Globalist Medical Tyranny? (2) mRNA Jab Myocarditis & Kids. (3) Omicron lab origin & why Africa? REA... View More
John Houk
America: Revisit A Commonsense Philosophy Justin Smith tackles the emerging transformed America. Are you an accepting whatever will be will-be American or an American that will rise against transform... View More
John Houk
Fauci & Mengele Tyranny & MORE SUMMARY: Dr. Anthony Fauci is the face of Medical Tyranny. Whether Fauci is a Globalist puppet or a part of some cabal council is the thing of speculative conspiracy th... View More
John Houk
My Shot Mandate is Way Older than Yours Thanks to some Wimkin Social Media Platform sharing I discovered this Vic Freeman post offering a peaceful yet robust John Galt-like plan for American Patriots... View More
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