January 24, 2025, the 24th day of 2025
Every Single Day
It is not just here and there that God is working with His people, but every single day.... View MoreJanuary 24, 2025, the 24th day of 2025
Every Single Day
It is not just here and there that God is working with His people, but every single day.
And it is not only here and there that God is drawing the lost to Himself, it is every single day.
Some days it may be more obvious to us than other days, but that doesn't change the reality of it.
If God stopped working with us and for us, the Devil would be constantly bombarding us, relentlessly and viciously. We would have no strength left.
That we are not constantly being beaten down and beaten up, is God's great mercy on us, His protection shielding us, His strength empowering us.
It is not a little thing. It is not a small thing. It is an amazingly magnificent thing that we may never even realize.
But when we do, the awe of it fills us! Who are we that God should care so much?
And why do we take His care of us for granted? Or assume it is by our own power and might that we stand?
God, in His majesty and power still deems it appropriate to care for all of us, even when we ignore Him or race ahead of Him.
It is not that God needs to find us, when we finally call out to Him in our need. He was, and is, already there, working and waiting until we realize the truth.
We are the blind ones who cannot see. We are the lost ones, going in circles. God is the One Who is ready for us to be ready for Him.
Jesus is the One Who made the way back to the Father, back to reality, back to hope, back to life.
We are the ones who are receiving blessings every single day, as if they are our right, as if they came with no cost.
But the cost was so immense, so immeasurable, so priceless that it could only be given as a gift.
And we, as a people--more often than not--ignore, snub and reject that gift. Why? Because to receive it, requires us to realize and admit that we don't deserve it. And in admitting that, we realize we have been following the enemy of God as we followed our own desires.
In that moment of truth many of us do not receive salvation, but instead walk away, as shame or pride or ambition holds us back from turning around and following Lord Jesus instead.
Foolishness imprisons those who refuse to see the truth and would rather walk in a lie. And the Devil is content with that. But God is not.
So, until death takes us, Jesus is at work on us. He brings help to us. He brings truth to us. He guides and guards us, giving us chance upon chance to turn around and face Him.
Whether we do or not is entirely in our hands.
"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'"
John 14:6
Jesus made the way because He is the way. Jesus speaks the truth because He is the truth. Jesus can give eternal life, because eternal life dwells in Him.
Lord Jesus made te way, lit the way, offers salvation, but He will not make us repent, surrender and follow Him. That is our part. That is our choice. That is our free will action.
And no matter what we want for anyone we love, we cannot do what God Himself will not do, and that is force them.
And it wouldn't work even if we could. The Kingdom of Heaven will never open to those who refused Jesus, the King, the Lord, the Saviour, Who is also the door.
"Then Jesus said to them again, 'Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who ever came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.'"
John 10:7-10
A door. The entry point that must be walked through to enter an otherwise closed place.
Knowing that the door exists is not enough.
Having the door pointed out to us is not enough.
Knowing the door is the way to forgiveness and eternal life is not enough.
Without going through that door, we are still outside.
Stay strong! You alone can take the step through that door and enter salvation!