Seek the Narrow Gate
Seek the Narrow Gate ...
Seek the Narrow Gate
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Seek the Narrow Gate
Please visit us on the web at "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Becau... View More
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Seek the Narrow Gate
There's a new post up at Seek the Narrow Gate on the web. Long ago on a hill called Golgotha there were three men, two sinners and a Savior. These three men represent every person who ever has or ever... View More
Seek the Narrow Gate
Seek the Narrow Gate on the web is operational now. Sorry for the delay. There is still a little work to do but new content is there and posts will be made regularly. Come visit. Look around. Subscrib... View More
Seek the Narrow Gate
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