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Mack McC
Scammer alert... using pics of Olivia Wilde
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Jaina B Shan
Jaina B Shan
Pennsylvania Poll Watcher Describes Pennsylvania Election Irregularities, Including 47 Missing USB Cards https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/poll-watcher-describes-pennsylvania-election-irregular... View More
Jaina B Shan
Jaina B Shan
Please refrain from uaing foul language on my wall. Thank you and may God bless you.
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Jonathan yarddog
November 26, 2020
Cj Rose
November 26, 2020
Jaina B Shan
The God-given, Constitutionally-outlined right of the people to freely worship as they please is not superceded by the rights of the people to peacefully protest.
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Jaina B Shan
Twitter continues their attack against freedom of speech. Twitter also attacks the integrity of the election via voter fraud news supression Twitter Suspends Account of State Senator Who Called Penns... View More
Jaina B Shan
Jaina B Shan
Jaina B Shan
Mr Kline has also been interviewed by Mr Charlie Kirk in regards to election integrity and Big Tech interfering with the election process. Here is a link to the program. Mr Zuckerberg invested over ... View More
Jaina B Shan
Gotta love Peggy ????
Jaina B Shan
A message to all you RINOs in politics. We are watching you.
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