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John Martin

This is for every Trump supporter in the USA and those who want to come over from the other side as the left continues their attempts to bring this country down. We the P

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Operation Q
For long-time RedPillers to wake others and for the newly awakened to get caught up, I present to you all 38 installments of Fall Cabal: 🔍 "The Fall Of The Cabal: Parts 1-10 + Sequel Parts 1-28 (Ful... View More
Melissa McGarity
What color did JacQueline Kennedy wear? What color was Melania's dress at the inauguration? Did it mimic an Audrey Hepburn style or some would ask. . . a JacQueline flair? You decide! ... View More
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Melissa McGarity
Who is this man front and center behind Prez Trump at shooting? I'll show you where and when he has been seen before. See comments for another link with many connections and more info on Vincent Fus... View More
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Melissa McGarity
More on my Hot Springs series because Arkansas really does ROCK! Beautiful hiking, clear streams, amazing mountain views! Don't forget the intriguing history, mines, caves and fascinating stories that... View More
Melissa McGarity
History of #HotSprings as a place where Soldiers went to heal after World War 1 and 2. Vacationing spot for #AlCapone who was said to reserve entire 4th floor of the #ArlingtonHotel which they are in... View More
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Melissa McGarity
Thank you for joining us as we experienced #eclipse2024 right in our yard! What #breathtakingviews and along with the actual footage are some stellar photos of the #sun and #moon, #eclipse, #eclipse... View More
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