Welcome to the Make Education Great Again group! (This is a mirror group to the Waxhaw Parents for Better Schools group in FB). As a concerned parent my goal is to gather information, learn about othe... View More
The purpose of this survey is to put a check on the fact that they 'held a survey' and somehow people agreed to this when they had the chance.
The survey starts by openly stating the "Standards" are t... View More
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The Nations' Score Card Report for 2020 does not look bright. Yet another indicator of among other issues, the effectiveness of Common Core. View More
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How have ACT standardized test scores improved since Common Core was first implemented? They haven't. SAT tests are different so there is no basis to compare them.
Math Scores Slide to a 20-Year Low on ACT
The continuing decline in math achievement comes even as fewer students are taking the college-readiness exam.
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