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Healthy Living includes the stories, products, recipies, research articles, etc. that help us live a healthier natural organic life. We focus on healthy diets, food and m

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Beth Gray
"Recent research confirms PCR tests for COVID-19 are using far too high a cycle threshold, resulting in very high false positive rates." Dr. J. Mercola View More
The best guide against auto-immune diseases. This is the best purchase I've made. I am in no way connected to the Gerson Institute or receive any monetary compensation for promoting them. Watch Charlo... View More
Psychiatrist Blows the Whistle on Pandemic Fearmongering #Fear #pandemic #COVID
Those seeking auto-immune disease information, I strongly, STRONGLY suggest you watch Charlotte Gerson videos. Many of them are lengthy but I consider them the basis for almost EVERYTHING else I post ... View More
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Watch your grains! If you are a fan of the Gerson Therapy, you know grains are excluded mostly from that therapy, for a reason.
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