Socialism is the Rule Of Law .... The Constitution is Dead .... The World Is Coming To An End .... BLAH BLAH BLAH ....
What "they" are saying is very cynical, and only emotional driven. The facts a... View MoreSocialism is the Rule Of Law .... The Constitution is Dead .... The World Is Coming To An End .... BLAH BLAH BLAH ....
What "they" are saying is very cynical, and only emotional driven. The facts are; things are finally starting to change, and all throughout the country; the Constitution Party is growing, as more and more people seek out an alternative to the CORRUPTION of the 'Duopoly'.
There is a FACTUAL growing movement away from socialism and towards Constitutional Law Abiding Governance. And YES; even among the Millennials!
A clear example of this is "Young Americans Against Socialism" ... ..... Look it up!
The Constitution Party has grown an average of 50% from 2018 to 2020 in the states where there is active recruiting and advertising. (Including mine; Massachusetts)
The second highest state (New Jersey) to have C.P. voters, has risen to over 15,000 Constitution Party registrations.
The highest state; (Nevada) has surged to approx. 70,000 registrants!
I understand your emotions are running high, as mine are, along with every patriotic american out there, but this will subside. It's all quite hilarious actually. Watching people act and say things like it's the end of the world, when it so clearly is not...... The current situation will pass. Things will resume as they always are. It's really not a big deal AT ALL.
Anything and everything that causes the nation and it's people harm, will bring the people CLOSER to Constitutional Governance, not further away from it. We Must Actually THANK the almighty GOD for the opportunity to make a real change happen through this worldwide "crisis".
Nothing gets truly better until it FIRST gets worse.
NOW IS THE TIME to be Joining Us as a bonified, patriotic, active member & NOW IS THE TIME to be recruiting for the party, & maximize on the returns!
Don't purposefully leave yourself behind, into an isolation of Constitutional Apathy, which is the very thing that caused the problems in the FIRST PLACE.
I am no longer going to speak about this. The point has been made very clear. Now is the Best Time for the Recruitment & Building of the Constitution Party ! 🇺🇸👍
Patrick Henry is one of the founders of the United States of America. He knew what he was talking about! If you like that, then you're really going to like THIS .... View MorePatrick Henry is one of the founders of the United States of America. He knew what he was talking about! If you like that, then you're really going to like THIS .... ..... Tired of political corruption? Join us today. Ask me about it. Let's talk! ???
Defend the 2nd Amendment
Group - Outreach/Activism - 37 Members
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... View MoreDefend the 2nd Amendment
Group - Outreach/Activism - 37 Members
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This group will organize all 75 million+ American gun owners and our 400 million+ guns and 12 trillion+ rounds of ammo to circle the wagons and win this war for defending and reclaiming all our freedoms to keep and bear any and all arms, ammo and armor without any infringements everywhere all the time!
Our rights are unalienable as they derive from God. They are merely enumerated in the Constitution.
Under constitutional rule of law of the sovereign Civilian Authority of We the People, we certainly have the uninfringed right to keep and bear arms to secure freedom in our county,, state and republic until they repeal the 2nd Amendment.
Under the United States Government rule of law in US Code there are numerous unconstitutional statutes infringing the 2nd Amendment that clearly violate the US Constitution and are as such unconstitutional.
The Supreme Court has ruled that all unconstitutional laws are null and void and are not to be followed or enforced.
All infringements against the 2nd Amendment in US Code are clearly unconstitutional and every US citizen, juror and law enforcement officer has the individual discretionary power to make that determination and not follow or comply, not indict or convict, and not enforce or arrest.
1. Do not advocate for anything violent or illegal in this group. We advocate a defensive NAP Non Aggression Principle. Nothing posted on this site shall be construed to incite unlawful violence or criminal acts.
2. Nothing posted on this site is offered as legal, medical or financial advice. Use your independent God given power of good discretion and self determination and do not violate any constitutional laws and do not follow or enforce any unconstitutional laws.
3. Be respectful of fellow American gun owners. Check your partisanship and black pills of fear of guns and gun owners at the door.
4. Be truthful. Check your Mockingbird fake news psyops at the door.
5. Be relevant. Focus on what's important. Check your circus clowns at the door.
We are not here to debate left right politics or argue religion or interpret bread crumbs. We are here for one reason - to take decisive action to defend American gun rights and win the war being waged against us! We will give full due process of law to bring these treasonous bastards to justice!
Trust the plan?
YES! The American plan! The plan has always been for We the People to come together and *make a plan* to secure our rights against tyrants like Election Thief Joe Biden who wants to rule over, divide, create fear and destroy our rights!
The Declaration of Independence
The United States Constitution
The Bill of Rights
The 2nd Amendment
HR127 "The Final Gun Grab Bill"
UN Small Arms Reduction Treaty
UN Agendas MDGs, 21, 2030 & 2050
Defend the 2nd Amendment
Defend the 2nd Amendment. 37 members. This group will organize all 75 million+ American gun owners and our 400 million+ guns and 12 trillion+ rounds of ammo to circle the wagons and win this war for d
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