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"It's Massive, Criminal Voter Fraud! - It's Going to Blow the Mind of Everyone In This Country!" - Sidney Powell on Dominion Systems (VIDEO)
Trump Attorney Sidney Powell joined Eric Bolling on Sunday to discuss the massive voter fraud the campaign is investigating via the Dominion voting machines. During their discussion Sidney Powell expl
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Sue D
Already proven to be false. Rejected by the courts.
scott stiglitlz
what nonsensc are you talking about? this has not been in court yet period. many states rejected dominion voting machines . Aslo they have won their first case in court. Usa military just took the severs in germany and spain yesterday
The idiots have showed up....and can't block them yet.... REPORTED THE LOSER
The best speech of 2020 must watch You will all love this one. this REVOLUTIONARY: Alex Jones' Most Epic Speech Ever At Million MAGA March
REVOLUTIONARY: Alex Jones' Most Epic Speech Ever At Million MAGA March
Alex Jones delivers possibly his most powerful speech to hundreds of thousands of patriots who support President Trump in front of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Not a big fan if this guy but great fucking speech and Im glad hes on our side.
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