If You Own or are Buying a New Holland Tractor You Must Watch This Video!
This Video is a must see for New Holland owners. We discuss, what in our opinion is, a design flaw with hydraulic cylinders used on New Holland Tractor as we...
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Here’s our weekly update as things continue to go wrong and we are at all out war with Murphy….plus a big surprise!!!
Wednesday Walk in the Woods, September 8, 2021 - “The Murphy Wars”
In this weeks update we review everything that has been going wrong and I drop a big surprise! Follow along and join our journey.
#Homestead #Homesteader #Homesteading #HomesteadLife #RVLife #Camper
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Here I am preparing to go to town. Like the days of old I try to make the best of every trip to town, so I make lists, gather parts and plan my route as I run around and get everything from hydraulic ... View More
Preparing To Go To Town and Murphy Strikes Again!
Here I am preparing to go to town. Like the days of old I try to make the best of every trip to town, so I make lists, gather parts and plan my route as I run around and get everything from hydraulic
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Grab your coffee and come on along as we provide another Wednesday update as we continue to fight Murphy’s Law!
Wednesday Walk in the Woods September 1, 2021 Update
Grab your coffee and come on along as another Wednesday is here and we share what we've been up to.
#Murphyslaw #NoQuitHere #homestead #homesteader #homesteading #homesteadlife #RVlife #offgrid
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Working on the mini
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Update on the homestead!
Wednesday Walk in the Woods, August 25, 2021 Update
My Wife and I are building a Homestead literally from the dirt up. This is our journey. Please join me (Lorena and Whiskey are stuck in the city while Lorena goes through physical therapy to try and f
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