A group where you can feel freed to talk about The Paranormal...away from the relatives, spouses, and nay sayers....and feel comfortable that you are not the only one who
A group where you can feel freed to talk about The Paranormal...away from the relatives, spouses, and nay sayers....and feel comfortable that you are not the only one who knows about these things. UFO past and present, Spirituality, Megaliths, Stone Circles, Magic, Pleiadian, Contactee, Adamski, Paranormal, Spirits, Ghosts, Dowsing, Photography, Video, Conspiracy, Howard Menger, ufo video, footage, orbs, past life, masters of the far east, ethereal, mediums, medium, channeler, witness, spiritualism, psychic. And any other weird or informative subject that comes up to help explain our experience here on this planet and incarnation. We are not alone and have not ever been alone but you cant put proof of this in a test tube and pass the tests of the Gate Keepers who try and shield you from reality with their own reality. We are beyond this ... waiting for the Scientists, Religionists, and Skeptics to give their approval. We have Inquiring Minds and Truth is wherever you find it. We are not waiting for the Government, our own families, or the Religions to dispense truth any more. We are boldly striking out on our own.
March 3, 2025
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. After several years in an acceleration mode that increased steadily but slowly, now your world is practically dashing out of low vibrations and racing toward higher illumination, luminescence. In concert with actio... View MoreMarch 3, 2025
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. After several years in an acceleration mode that increased steadily but slowly, now your world is practically dashing out of low vibrations and racing toward higher illumination, luminescence. In concert with action in your solar system, your galaxy and on into the universe, a great deal is taking place behind the global curtain, but the most important action is within souls.
The reduction in low vibrations raised Earth’s frequencies and they are “downloading” codes—doorways to the mind of Creator—to elevate conscious contact with soul-level knowingness. You will rejoice in the Aha! moments of self-discovery and the sensation of being connected with everything around you. You will marvel as your intuition provides answers you need if you ask within. You will stop wondering how it is possible to be and start wholly believing that you are, in fact, embodied light, an eternal multidimensional divine sovereign soul with unlimited powers who is enjoying a physical lifetime as a human.
Assimilating the higher frequencies’ exciting new level of awareness is a thrust forward in evolution, but in adjusting to the energy, your dense bodies may experience natural and short-lived reactions such as exhaustion, flu-like symptoms, moodiness, muddled thinking, forgetfulness, anxiety and sadness.
As often as possible be in Nature or with companion animals—the plant and animal kingdoms, except for humankind, emit high vibrations that relieve stress. Get sufficient rest, stay hydrated, eat lightly, exercise mildly, enjoy lighthearted entertainment and, as you breathe rhythmically, remember that only efforts with light as their foundation can be lasting.
The new, higher frequencies cannot help you make sense of the sea of speculations, opinions, misinterpretations, misleading reports, outright lies and actual facts, which are only the tips of icebergs. Please do not give any energy to the publicized worrisome spread of bird flu, measles outbreak or bats in Wuhan could have a new strain of corona virus foolishness. Until the dark ones draw their last breath, they will keep trying to kill you with vaccines, make money from selling vaccines, and create fear about a new pandemic before new vaccines are ready.
Dear ones, ignore that old programming—divest yourselves of all programming! Its intention is to keep you feeling helpless and behaving in accordance with what “authorities” tell you. That long dark era is over. It will become a dismal chapter in Earth’s section of the universal history book.
Read more.
Please send all questions and comments to suzy@matthewbooks.com.
All messages from December 2003 to date are archived on www.matthewbooks.com. Please share them.
Matthew Books YouTube channel.
The Man Who Could Fly, UFO Inquiring Minds Live Meetup, 3-9-25, 6pm, Elmers, 16087 SE 82nd Dr. Clackamas, Oregon. #portlandoregon #ufo #meetup #paranormal #nightlife
Alchemy and the Eastern Tradition Part One
Sheldon Moore joins Jay Weidner to discuss the spiritual traditions from India and Tibet.
THE LIGHT GATE – Simon Domville-Musters – UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Presence
Tonight, The Light Gate welcomes back experiencer/researcher/podcaster Simon Domville-Musters. Residing in the UK, Simon has experienced UFO encounters, and is working hard to research and ... View MoreTHE LIGHT GATE – Simon Domville-Musters – UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Presence
Tonight, The Light Gate welcomes back experiencer/researcher/podcaster Simon Domville-Musters. Residing in the UK, Simon has experienced UFO encounters, and is working hard to research and educate people about the extraterrestrial presence on our planet, and the UFO coverup. Says Simon, “My interest is communicating and learning from ET. The other priority is saving us from the new world order totalitarianism that is being rammed down every orifice possible, and then intravenously. Finally Democracy in the purest conception of the term, for which Socrates perished, as PR had not been conceived in his time, despite being descendants of Atlantis! So, Democracy is majority rule, but with respect for the fundamental rights of minorities, and we are all minorities in one form or another!” His youtube channel is called The Ranting Revolutionary. Links included in show notes!
https://youtu.be/jzb6z5wHNVE About The Guest: Dolly Safran began her life journey already a generational contactee. Her father, an Airborne Ranger in the US Army, was also a contactee from an early age. Growing up was challenging for Dolly as occurrences of disappearing from her home, psychic p... View Morehttps://youtu.be/jzb6z5wHNVE About The Guest: Dolly Safran began her life journey already a generational contactee. Her father, an Airborne Ranger in the US Army, was also a contactee from an early age. Growing up was challenging for Dolly as occurrences of disappearing from her home, psychic phenomena and unseen friends caused anxiety for her mother. Until the age of 14, Dolly’s memories were not fluid. She knew strange things were happening, but could not connect reality to them. It took a huge push to fight for her conscious recall to remain intact. After gaining awareness, her life took on purpose. Nursing began her journey. Then she began serving as a civilian worker in the US Department of the Treasury, and also in the Army as a Department of Defense employee. Life changed those trajectories suddenly, and she was happy to become a zoo keeper and an Animal Baby Momma for a private zoo and sanctuary in Florida. All while being taught by and working with ET. Dolly’s decision to break her silence is now an imperative for her.