Like most Christians, I grew up in church. In fact , I was made to go until my 16th birthday. I thought I knew who God and Jesus were. Just like 99.9% of all Christians and Jews, I was totally wrong!... View MoreLike most Christians, I grew up in church. In fact , I was made to go until my 16th birthday. I thought I knew who God and Jesus were. Just like 99.9% of all Christians and Jews, I was totally wrong! The church, run by Satan, defined who Jesus was and condensed biblical text into what we call the Catholic Bible, the KJV, and the Torah. All other books or text were discarded so the church and Satan could maintain control of the masses. Jesus really is the good guy in all of this, however his true message had been hidden from the people by the church. If you want to really know who Christ is, you should read everything that was left out of the Bible and most especially the Gnostic Gospels aka... Nag Hammadi scripts. Jesus is way more amazing than any house of worship would ever have you believe. His mission is not that of the church as you were taught to believe. Jesus IS THE Truth, The Way and The Light...