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Jay Porterfield

Male. Lives in Glade Spring, Virginia, United States. 62 years old. Is divorced.
About Me
Jobs: Retired Combat Medical Specialist, electrician, electronics, carpentry, Actor and stage hand.
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Politics and Elections
Jay Porterfield
Not a drop of black blood in Kamel but sure got plenty black sperm from Pdiddy and Will Smith. Check out the videos. Gangbangs are her thing. Bet she's into kids as well. Just the facts...and 1 specu... View More
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Jay Porterfield
Is everyone ready for the Civil War to come? Us vs liberal dems? A great depopulation plan. Are you in? I'm a vet and could have defended Trump better than his SS. Cocked, locked and ready to rock... ... View More
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Jay Porterfield
Liberal Candidates Crooked Killery or a chick with a d*ck. How do you like Dem choices? What's the matter folks? To WOKE to comment or just a coward?
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Hillary or big Mike! They may spin this in news but I don't think it will happen.
June 20, 2024
Jay Porterfield
Jay Porterfield replied - 1 reply
Jay Porterfield
Liberals/transgenders don't like the word cervix so now they want society to call it a front hole. I'm Old School and still call it a dick. I'm wide awake but never WOKE! I notice there are quite a fe... View More
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Jay Porterfield
Food for thought : Trump is just the Poster Boy for M.A.G.A. ( I am a loyal Trump fan) The military approached Trump years before he ran for President. The Military was tired of our young men and wo... View More
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