[This is the second volume of the two-volume set titled 'The contendings of the Apostles'. This second volume contains the English translation of the original Ethiopic contained in the first volume.]... View More[This is the second volume of the two-volume set titled 'The contendings of the Apostles'. This second volume contains the English translation of the original Ethiopic contained in the first volume.]
'The contendings of the Apostles: being the histories of the lives and martyrdoms and deaths of the twelve apostles and evangelists; the Ethiopic texts now first edited from manuscripts in the British Museum, with an English translation'
by Budge, E. A. Wallis (Ernest Alfred Wallis), Sir, 1857-1934
Publication date 1899-1901
Publisher London : Frowde
Contributor: Robarts - University of Toronto
Language English (original Ethiopic is in volume 1)
Volume 2
"This edition of the 'Gadla Hawaryat' or 'Contendings of the Apostles' and the English translation of the same were begun at the suggestion of the late Marquess of Bute, who was deeply interested in the literature of the ancient Christian people of Egypt; Nubia, and Ethiopia. The plan of the edition is due to Lord Bute, who approved of the manuscripts which have been followed in the printed text, and decided that it was unnecessary to add to it more than a limited number of the variant readings from the late manuscripts as specimens; to have given them all would have required a volume to be devoted to the purpose. The cost of the publi cation of these volumes, as well as of several other important Oriental texts and translations, was defrayed by his Lordship who followed with interest the progress of the work until his death on the 9th of October 1900, when students of many branches of Ecclesiastical and Oriental re search lost a learned colleague, a sympathetic friend, and a generous patron."
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