Oh how heartbreaking, some super rich stockholders crying because they are losing some money while their CEO is trying to stop the theft of every average taxpaying citizens money. You know the people ... View MoreOh how heartbreaking, some super rich stockholders crying because they are losing some money while their CEO is trying to stop the theft of every average taxpaying citizens money. You know the people without super yachts, or jet planes, or million dollar mansions. People who struggle to make that paycheck put food on the table for their family, or afford gas for their beat up old car so they can get to work and earn another paycheck that will be raped by the government. We really feel sorry for you. NOT! See we are not rich enough to hire someone who knows how to rip off the government and hide that money from that corrupted government like you do. We've had to keep paying it all so people just like you, who want it to continue can get richer and richer. Musk and Trump I'm sure have and are losing millions too doing what their doing. I don't see them crying, and though they may not be earning as much money they are earning something worth much much more. The respect and love of hundreds of millions of struggling taxpayers. Something you greedy fools will never attain. Oh and the propaganda news outlets will not help you earn it either we been on to them long ago.
Check out what Trump typed for a crowd Election Night!
Hear a group of supporters sing How Great Thou Art!
Hear about small businesses and see Diddy in the live chat comments.
What's next for Guard... View MoreCheck out what Trump typed for a crowd Election Night!
Hear a group of supporters sing How Great Thou Art!
Hear about small businesses and see Diddy in the live chat comments.
What's next for Guardians?
Hear the latest Pastor arrests for predatory behavior.
Evidence from the Justice Dept. of indictment of a predator trying to entice mothers and seeking to prey upon children and newborns.
Never, ever forget,
this is a spiritual battle!
We fight not against weapons of flesh. . .
#FightFightFight, #FightTheGoodFight, #diddy
#Trump, #TrumpVictory, #TrumpWin, #USElections, #ICBM, #unarmedmissile, #rememberremberthefifthofnovember, #GuyFawkesDay, #saveourchildren, #Houthis, #Iran, #Iranweapons, #WWG1WGA
So the Biden Harris DOJ is working with the German government to censor GAB now. Why would we want any democrat in power here in America? Who's next,pilled, TRUTH, Wimkin, clouthub, X, GETTR, and othe... View MoreSo the Biden Harris DOJ is working with the German government to censor GAB now. Why would we want any democrat in power here in America? Who's next,pilled, TRUTH, Wimkin, clouthub, X, GETTR, and others and in the end all American citizens? Democrats hate free speech and in the end they hate freedom and America. This independent will never cast another vote for a democrat.
The Biden-Harris DOJ is Facilitating German Government Censorship of Gab, an American Company
Dear Gab Community, I write to you today with a heavy heart, as we face an unprecedented attack on our freedom of speech by a foreign nation. This week we received correspondence from the German gover
When you read articles like this and it says there are 8.2 million jobs open in the US and there is a worker shortage. And then you think that the (D) lunatic party has opened our border and allowed 1... View MoreWhen you read articles like this and it says there are 8.2 million jobs open in the US and there is a worker shortage. And then you think that the (D) lunatic party has opened our border and allowed 10 million illegals to walk on in to the country. You have to wonder how come democrats said they are here to look for a better life ? Seems they're not coming here to work for that better life. Seems more like they are here to be handed the free stuff paid for by hard working legal Americans with their tax money, or if not that way to just forcibly take what they want by robbing legal American citizens. Seems they' are invaders not migrants. https://www.aol.com/finance/worker-shortage-isnt-over-states-184500772.html
The worker shortage isn't over. Here are the states where it's most acute.
JobTest.org analyzed Bureau of Labor Statistics data to show where worker shortages are still being felt across the United States.
See Trump ad @ 14:09
Music is the same as in Patriot Double Down
the Vegas streets were interesting during that time and the people I met there in 2021.
See Jim Caviezel @ 6:33 #SoundOfFreedom
Rem... View MoreSee Trump ad @ 14:09
Music is the same as in Patriot Double Down
the Vegas streets were interesting during that time and the people I met there in 2021.
See Jim Caviezel @ 6:33 #SoundOfFreedom
Remember when Trump spoke of the #HandOfProvidence at Butler! Iconic!
See more evidence of all Commander and Chief Trump has done for humanity!
Please give thumbs up on my rumble channel! Thank you!
#Trump, #PatriotDoubleDown, #NCSWIC, #NothingCanStopWhatIsComing, #thejourney, #pain, #Juanosavin, #thecalled, #trump2024, #wwg1wga, #Godspeed, #intheair, #vibration, #frequency, #jimcaviezel, #MAGA, #maga, #NothingCanStopWhatIsComing, #BringThePain, #Pain, #TheStormIsUponUs, #FightFightFight
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