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Politics and Elections
Warren Mcnamara
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Faye chaffin
Billions go to other countries that hate us while American citizens work two jobs just to pay for a roof over their heads, and while almost 700,000 of us are living on the streets... Our politician's have been laundering the foreign money back to themselves and lobbying with the highest bidder putti... View More
3 hours ago Edited
Warren Mcnamara
Nothing to see here just the UNIPARTY doing what they do best, keeping America going further and further into massive debt. Yeah let's just vote yes on a CR (continuing resolution) and continue to ban... View More
Warren Mcnamara
Well when the cheating won't work and the democrats lose it's time to get rid of everything that does not help them win. You know like the electoral college, the law, the constitution, legal voters, l... View More
Warren Mcnamara
Warren Mcnamara
What happened to Groups on wimkin I do not see any group links including mine?
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Magilla Guerrilla
I had a group on here, but it didn't go far. You can say pretty much what you want on the regular feed, so most weren't interested in a separate location. It wasn't like TRAITORBOOK where some wanted to be out of sight out of mind.
December 13, 2024
Warren Mcnamara
Sadly my parents have been gone for quite some time. Wonder which part of this very efficient government I need to call, because sadly they have also not received any of their checks. Must have all go... View More
Warren Mcnamara
So very thankful that common sense and some surviving braincells told me right away not to trust in the people that were pushing this poison man made virus and shit shot. If I ever need blood I do not... View More
Warren Mcnamara
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The people are delusional. Remember obi den sitting with a stack of papers signing away everything?
December 12, 2024
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