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Bill Coones
Swing & Standards Duo, Oak Flat Vineyard Tasting Room, Bill Coones singer/bass, Matt Schiff guitar, SUNDAY FEBRUARY 2, 3-6pm, $15 Bratwurst & Wine Special, 4701 Se Belmont St, Portland Oregon. Romantic Melodies, American Songbook #pdxjazz #portlandoregon #wine #livemusic #winetasting
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Swing & Standards Trio, Jan 18, March 15, 5-8 pm, NASO Wine Bar PDX, 1744 Se Hawthorne, Portland Oregon, 971-421-0586, Dan Donahue piano, Bill Coones singer/bass, Ray Griffin sax, Romantic Melodies, American Songbook #pdxjazz #portland #wine #livemusic #winebar
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The Swing & Standards Trio. March 2, April 6, May 11, June 1, July 6, August 3, 6-9pm. Ale & Cider House, 1720 Willamette Falls Drive, West Linn. Bill Coones singer/bass, Matt Schiff guitar, Leonard Maxson drums. Showtunes, Swing, Romantic Melodies. #pdxjazz #westlinnoregon #americansongboo... View More
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Swing & Standards Duo, Bill Coones singer/bass, Matt Schiff guitar. Woodlawn Farmers Market 10am to 2pm, Corner of Ne Dekum & Ne Durham Portland Oregon, showtunes, swing, jazz #farmersmarket #pdxjazz #portlandoregon
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Portland Vancouver Live Music Meetup View More
Jazz and Beyond Portland Vancouver (Portland, OR)
When Attending Our events please tell one of the band members to announce that Jazz & Beyond Meetup Members are in the audience and where you are sitting. Are you a fan of jazz music (or other niche g
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The Swing & Standards Jazz Band April 2, Sept 10, Sunday 2-4pm at Ankeny Vineyard 2565 Riverside Drive S. Salem. Dan Donahue piano, Bill Coones singer & bass, Duncan Branom drums, Goose Gersing sax. Showtunes, Swing & Jazz. #pdxjazz #winetasting #salemoregon #livemusic #jazz