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Melissa McGarity
Interesting verse in here with Tells!
This info was removed years ago.
Covers an Underground Facility and... View More

Interesting verse in here with Tells!
This info was removed years ago.
Covers an Underground Facility and
other tunnels found throughout the United States and the world.
Short around 4min.
... View More
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Let's Go, Brandon!
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See footage and people's thoughts on the
#PeoplesFundOfMaui started by
#TheRock... View More
We didn't start the Fire? Biden, Oprah, The Rock and what is UNDER the rock?
See footage and people's thoughts on the #MauiFires #PeoplesFundOfMaui started by #Oprah #TheRock #DwayneJohnson What IS #RedHill storage facility? How about the history in the song #WeDidntStartTheFi
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* Footage of Biden speaking on how he will "Build Back Better,"
#ChiefFederalResponseCoordinator being in Maui Before the fires. Check hand movements, body lang.
* Preparedness Con Prior to the fires... View More
More Oddities about the Maui Fires. A recovery expert sees Napalm like burns.
#MauiFires, #napalmburns, #HAVOC, #SearchAndRescue, #BobFenton, #FireAndFury Book on Maui Fires, #Synchronicity, #ThereAreNoCoincidences, #FireAndFury book on Trump by #MichaelWolf, #SirensOfMaui, #Bi
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