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Robert Miller
David Hotrum
You don't even know enough English to capitalize your last name??
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Wayne Watrous
What I'd like to know is why she put a picture on her profile that makes her appear to be naked? Is that how you get 99 "friends?"
May 31, 2021
Michael Blankenship
Ignore the banned fake-photo scammer. Ninety-nine friends, huh?
Bruce Parker
Youve been a "Member" for over 6 Months with NO Posts?....I'm gonna have to say NO to Your Friend Request!...
Joseph Christopher
NO! Fakes and chippies need not apply .
Chuck Turkal
First, yes, I clip and paste this because you aren't worth the time to type it out again. You literally joined just a few minutes ago and instantly sent me an add request. You have never seen or li... View More
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Greg hawkins
Bobs and vagene? Want some fuk?
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