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Gus Beal shared
Gus Beal shared a video
Fake News - HCR
HIS CALLING Revelation band
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Why The Silence About the Slaughter In Syria?
Why The Silence About the Slaughter In Syria? | N.A.P.
For 14 years, Syria has been engulfed in a civil war. Until three months ago, dictator Bashar al-Assad controlled the government, but he was overthrown by the Jihadist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS)
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Please watch and if you want to share please do.
I was a troop. Do we really? "SUPPORT THE TROOPS".
Am I not worthy of justice?
I know that my America. Tgat I grew up in. Was so much better than thi... View More
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just got back online after being hit by the hurricane.
God Bless.
did you know it. it was written?
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Gus Beal shared a video
I've been preaching. - HCR
did you know it. it was written?
I've been preaching for a long time this day was coming down.
but it seems everybody wants to close their eyes hid their heads
deep down inside the ground.
As I look around, I see this world is held by darkness what happen
to the day..... monsters in the nighttime.
well, He said He would come again, that man would deny Him
and turn away.
you can hear the words that people say - GOD IS ON HIS WAY.
I've been preaching for a long time this day was coming down.
People get ready the word is coming down.
but it seems everybody wants to close their eyes hid their heads
deep down inside the ground.
sleepy one have you been saved born again have you been found?
and know that everyone who's chosen always fights the good fight
and know that even though you fall asleep battle ridden your heaven bound.
I've been preaching for a long time this day was coming down.
People get ready the word is coming down.
but it seems everybody wants to close their eyes hid their heads
deep down inside the ground.
people get ready the word is coming down.
I've been preaching for a long time this day was coming down.
People get ready the word is coming down.
but it seems everybody wants to close their eyes hid their heads
deep down inside the ground.
people get ready the word is coming down.
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JOIN NOW:Patriot Rallies, Meetings and Get Togethers:No more shall big tech and mainstream social networks minimize our ability to organize and meet together.In any war one of the first things to accomplish is to disrupt the enemy's communication systems. Facebook, Google, YouTube, and a great many more platforms wiped out our ability to mass-communicate on any level, preventing us from even gathering for a rally or to come together in education of these current times we live in. We have a right to activism. And we have a right to communicate.Here at Wimkin we can restore our ability to come together AND communicate in order to discuss all aspects of the times we live in and how we might maximize our efforts to RESTORE THE REPUBLIC.If you wish to hold an event, you are invited to LIST IT HERE. You can mass advertise the name of this group on Wimkin so supporters of YOUR EVENT may come and be a part of the communication it takes to bring an event together.Carry on, Patriots. Organize. Meet and greet one another. Discuss our possible courses of action in the times ahead!God bless your efforts to UNITE.
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