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Apostle Ian Lovelette

Male. 34 years old. Is single.
About Me
An apostle anointed by God to declare freedom from sin and judgment upon the wicked
Apostle Ian Lovelette
Louisiana became the first state to mandate the display of the Ten Commandments outside every school in the state. I left my own two cents, stating that if not for the establishment, that policy would... View More
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Very well stated đź‘Ź Thank you for sharing your thoughts and the truth
June 21, 2024
Apostle Ian Lovelette
No one likes a prophet until it's too late to hear from God.
Apostle Ian Lovelette
Claim: "I know two people who committed the unforgivable sin and still came back from it." Response: No, you don't. You say that these people are part of the faith, which means one of two things - th... View More
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Apostle Ian Lovelette
Controversial thought: Every now and then, God will have you call off from work for a day so you can use the opportunity to spend some much needed time with Him. And He could take you just about anywh... View More
Apostle Ian Lovelette
Social media giants are liars and hypocrites when they claim to not use your information. Facebook and YouTube, for example, use the concept of "ads relevant to you," which common sense should tell an... View More
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William Lockette
If it's free, you are the product. Nothing in the cloud is "safe". If someone wants it bad enough, they'll get it.
April 25, 2024
Apostle Ian Lovelette
"Do not be deceived; God will not be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap." ~ Galatians 6:7 Taylor Swift, I command you in the name of Jesus to get on your knees and repent. https://www.charism... View More
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