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Donald Dorris

Male. Lives in House Springs, United States. Born on December 14, 1958. Is married.
Donald Dorris
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Donald Dorris
The number of -Voter Turnout - went down by about 14.5 Million in 2024? -Registered Voters - went down by about 7 Million voters which is interesting since the # of Registered Voters has gone up in EVERY election since George Washington. Not joking, look it up - in 2020 Trump had 74.22 M and in 202... View More
November 11, 2024
Donald Dorris
This was announced on a Friday intentionally so the MSM did not have time to spin it.
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Rick Zimmerman
Possibly the greatest political speech in American history
August 25, 2024
Donald Dorris
One thing we all learned this year, there is no need for a primary. If the Democrats can do it, then everyone can. Since the media is in the bag for the Democrats, there are NO rules.
Donald Dorris
Question This Ukrainian foolishness. Is there a possibility that Ukraine and Russia colluded to get the US to launder money (because our politicians <both parties> are easy targets), then once the U... View More
Donald Dorris
I have seen democrat pundit’s say Both sides of the aisle need to ratchet down the rhetoric. Interesting, since the Democratic leader , hours before, said put a “target” on Trump. In addition, the rhe... View More
Donald Dorris
It is amazing, all this talk about democracy especially since the USA is a Republic and never has as a democracy. Sounds like some intensional misleading. Why do we the people tolerate these lies?
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Every time I hear a politician call us a democracy it ticks me off. Trump has even done it. Apparently they don't know the difference between that and what we are...a Constitutional Republic.
May 26, 2024
Donald Dorris
Donald Dorris replied - 1 reply
Kurt Kinard
Fuck Democracy •
May 26, 2024
Bill Shepard
When they talk about Trump being a “threat to democracy,” they REALLY mean he is a threat to the shadow government’s control!
May 29, 2024 Edited
Donald Dorris
I like LED bulbs but I do NOT like any government to tell me what to do or use. Tell me facts and statistics then shut up and leave me alone. I know how to make my own decisions. ... View More
Donald Dorris
The imposter Commander in Charge made this decision. This is supplying weapons of mass destruction. This is TREASON. Have the imposter shot for this Treasonous Actions
Donald Dorris
https://www.zona-militar.com/en/2024/04/03/u-s-air-force-f-16-fighting-falcon-fighters-are-joining-the-autonomous-technology-program-venom-aft/ So Congress has no input or authority so this imposter ... View More
Donald Dorris
What a JOKE. The reason St. Louis has more crime is because it is lead by corrupt Democrat politicians. The corrupt politicians ran the police force away - you know, the whole Defund the Police crap. ... View More
Donald Dorris
This is an extremely important interview. Whether anyone agrees or disagrees, it should be open for people to discuss and review. People are dying and vaccines are killing them. More importantly is th... View More
Donald Dorris
I watched Laura Ingram this evening and their coverage of the “Bombshell Report” The whole time, Ingram did not bring up Biden’s typical response - Ignore, Deny, Blame someone else, then walk away. I ... View More
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Mark Belk
If they tell the truth they won’t be on the air! Example: Tucker! Why is that you ask? Jews own and control all mass media!
February 8, 2024 Edited
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