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Lateisha Shanquelle Sims

Female. Lives in Americus, Georgia, United States. Born on March 22, 1996. Is married.
About Me
My name is Lateisha Sims and I'm twenty-four years old. I AM A CHRISTIAN !!!! I am married to Christ... View More

Status Update

Lateisha Shanquelle Sims
I don't know why I have this feeling that Barack Obama is the antichrist. I may be wrong though.
Like (2)
Donna Lorell
I heard he was in gitmo. I so hope thats true!!!!!
January 19, 2021
Lateisha Shanquelle Sims
Lateisha Shanquelle Sims replied - 1 reply
I've been thinking the same for awhile...
January 19, 2021
Lateisha Shanquelle Sims
Lateisha Shanquelle Sims replied - 1 reply
Donna Lorell
Someone posted some pictures and an article. I dont believe everything I see or read thats why I said I hope its true.
January 27, 2021
Lateisha Shanquelle Sims
Lateisha Shanquelle Sims replied - 1 reply