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Lateisha Shanquelle Sims

Female. Lives in Americus, Georgia, United States. Born on March 22, 1996. Is married.
About Me
My name is Lateisha Sims and I'm twenty-four years old. I AM A CHRISTIAN !!!! I am married to Christ... View More
Lateisha Shanquelle Sims
They thought they could get rid of Trump for good, but once again they failed.
Lateisha Shanquelle Sims
Do anyone believe that "church" is real ? Or just a place that they use to call for watch night back in the day ?
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James Kyle
The "church" isn't a building, it's people.
March 3, 2021
Lateisha Shanquelle Sims
Have anyone seen Tom MacDonald new song "Fake Woke " on YouTube?
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Boxcar Boy
Yes. It couldnt be more true about whats going on today
February 10, 2021
Boxcar Boy
Boxcar Boy replied - 4 replies
Ebba Jones
It was hard at first to watch because i do not enjoy rap very much and all the tatoos and piercings are a distraction, but that is ones personal choices. After listening to it the 2nd time, he speaks of many truths that we all are living. I think we can all agree on that. After reading the comment... View More
February 11, 2021
Lateisha Shanquelle Sims
I watched it the other day, he was most definitely speaking the truth.
February 12, 2021
Lateisha Shanquelle Sims
Real Facts
Lateisha Shanquelle Sims
Many people will not discuss what's going on with this vaccine, but I would like to know what is the purpose of this vaccine ? We all know that vaccine kills some if their bodies react to it in a diff... View More
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Lane Jackson
The purpose of this particular m-rna "vaccine" is to damage your DNA and eventually kill you.
February 5, 2021
Marjorie Smith
Marjorie Smith replied - 4 replies
Getting the vaccine does NOT mean your immune, it means IF you get it, it SHOULD lessen your symptoms.....thats it. Its nothing more, in my opinion, then a flu shot. On top of that, its only good for 6-9 months. Why take the chance of it possibly changing your dna, possibly taking the option of our ... View More
February 11, 2021
Lateisha Shanquelle Sims
Lateisha Shanquelle Sims replied - 4 replies
I see NO purpose in it. Makes no sence to me!!!
February 11, 2021
Lateisha Shanquelle Sims
Lateisha Shanquelle Sims replied - 1 reply
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