My version of the old Jim Reeves classic He'll Have To Go 🎤♥️
Sudden and unexpected deaths have increased exponentially since the rollout of 2021 onwards.
Social media pages posting links to these unexpected deaths but with very little information if any.
Main... View MoreSudden and unexpected deaths have increased exponentially since the rollout of 2021 onwards.
Social media pages posting links to these unexpected deaths but with very little information if any.
Mainstream news media and the government continue to say nothing, saying nothing to put people's minds at ease.
Remember back to 2020, quite literally everything coming out from the mainstream news media and the government was about people dying and putting it all down to covid.
Isn't it rather strange then that there's an eerie (sinister) silence now that people are dying in their droves, no reporting whether they've been vaccinated or not.
And yet back during 2020/2021 we were expected to give out our vaccination status in order for us to be able to go about our everyday lives.
And now I'm reading so many people previously healthy suddenly dying with no questions asked.
And people are saying, "you conspiracy theorists should stop talking about it this is not the time"
So I'm going to ask the million dollar question👇🏼
I believe beyond any shadow of doubt that this so called pandemic and all that's happened (and still happening) since is the works of genius by psychopaths from way above the glass ceiling, and I believe that these so called elite people actually believe they're doing good for the world by reducing the world populace, as long as it isn't them being culled.
They believe they are better than the likes of us.
Try getting an invite to an elite gathering and see how you're treated compared to those of their own social positions.
I know because I have been in those social circles.
So yes, when we read of another tragic sudden death of a previously healthy young person is it satisfactory for us to simply say, "so sad, he/she was so young, R.I.P" 🤔
OR, should we 'also' question why this has happened 🤔
After all, if this is a cull, surely we would be doing the right thing for the person who has died suddenly and unexpectedly by asking questions, questions which continue to remain unanswered 😢💔
Sadly and tragically it was ALWAYS going to come down to this.
All the signs, all the warnings from experts who were censored, and all the research confirmed, this one was NOT a vaccine.
When your he... View MoreSadly and tragically it was ALWAYS going to come down to this.
All the signs, all the warnings from experts who were censored, and all the research confirmed, this one was NOT a vaccine.
When your health declines please don't simply write it off as, "oh well that's life"
When my health declines I can say that with assurity because I don't have anything from that thing inside my body
Please, if you start going downhill, please please please speak out because this is the only way those evil perpetrators of the worst crime in history can possibly be brought to account.
Whilst you remain silently in ignorance they WILL continue their cull of the human race.👇🏼
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