Here is an example of communism invading all manner of faith. Have you ever heard someone say, "No matter what happens, it's all in the creators hands and will." This expression is only partially true... View MoreHere is an example of communism invading all manner of faith. Have you ever heard someone say, "No matter what happens, it's all in the creators hands and will." This expression is only partially true. Yes, the great author and creator has made plans and a will that will never not come to pass. However, man has an equal responsibility too. Man is often lazy, even in matters concerning the spirit, and man can be flippant about events in life, but suppose from their own laziness, they cause their own environment to reflect North Korea or worse. Communism will thank them, but God will not be happy in the lazy work you happily obliged, allowing evil to prevail. And suppose you failed in exacting God's plan.