Genius isn't just limited to a born trait; it can be honed from intelligence.
A Vision For Governance: (Expanded)
In the context of today's socio-economic challenges, I propose a series of reforms to redistribute power and responsibility back to the citizens: These reforms ai... View MoreA Vision For Governance: (Expanded)
In the context of today's socio-economic challenges, I propose a series of reforms to redistribute power and responsibility back to the citizens: These reforms aim to empower communities, minimize governmental overreach, and restore power to the people, cultivating a society where responsibility, integrity, and common sense are paramount.
Given the amount of corruption and how easy it is to become established within the American government and sway the nation and its societal moral and ethical environment. It's easy dictating the children's curriculum, possibly changing the nation's policies based on dictated curriculum.
I attended the public school system until the 5th grade, hearing the common lies and misguided teachings from our teachers. Hearing propaganda to misleading and biased lessons being taught. As a child, I believed in the false teachings of man made environmental hazards, like acid rain. Sipping alcohol, and you were an automatic drunk. Inhaling cigarettes giving immediate cancer. Even the constant historical inaccuracies being taught to children like us, not so very long ago.
Given our current state of misleading and biased curriculum, as dictated by our school board and government approved studies. Our children are taught inappropriate and unnecessary curricula. Subjects like sex education, transgender ideology, etc. in addition to the studies, we have all been subject to their influence and propaganda.
How easy would it be to convince a child to follow dangerous ideologies like communism, or teaching America is a democracy?
Therefore, I propose several changes of reform. It is my firm belief that parents are responsible for their children's education and should return to the traditional approach of teach our children at home and away from unnecessary educational propaganda and influence of biased approved education and curriculum.
As parents, it is our duty to teach our children why we should be proud of this blessed and great nation. To exercise the rights, firearm education should be second to math and arithmetic, next to history and culture of our great society. It is necessary for parents and guardians of children to remove them from the public school system, abolishing, and in its place, either homeschool or private schools.
- Voting Eligibility: Therefore, eligibility to vote should only be restricted to those who privately own property, vehicle, and / or business. Showing at least a decade of profit from ownership.
The reason for this measure is in itself a check and balance. A citizen who owns their property, vehicle, and / or business will not vote for a politician who policies reflect any harm to businesses, housing, the cost of living, driving road vehicles, etc. This ensures those most affected by policies have influence, fostering governmental accountability.
Any citizen who committed a felony has forfeited their right to vote and any election after conviction.
#GovernanceReform #EducationReform #ParentalRights #Homeschooling
#PrivateEducation #VotingRights
#PropertyOwners #CivicResponsibility #DecentralizePower
#PoliticalAccountability #BackToBasics #TraditionalEducation #EducationalFreedom
#SchoolChoice #CurriculumCritique #MoralEducation #PatrioticEducation
A Vision For Governance:
In the context of today's socio-economic challenges, I propose a series of reforms to redistribute power and responsibility back to the citizens.
These reforms aim to empow... View MoreA Vision For Governance:
In the context of today's socio-economic challenges, I propose a series of reforms to redistribute power and responsibility back to the citizens.
These reforms aim to empower communities, minimize governmental overreach, and restore power to the people, cultivating a society where responsibility, integrity, and common sense are paramount.
Firearms Policy:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
It is self-evident that any law(s) that restrict or prohibit the people's use or choice of firearms is against the United States Constitution. Therefore, I propose:
All firearms, including military-grade weapons, should be made and easily accessible for the American citizenry through the purchase of fair market value of the free market without any licensing requirement other than a simple criminal background check of a committed felony.
As Americans, we shouldn't be held to ask for government permission to conceal carry, and it should be legal to open carry in all territories and states of the United States of America, since this is technically an infringement of the 2nd Amendment.
It is the duty of the citizens of the United States to keep informed and educated in the proper use and handling of their firearms. These serve as an extension to protect Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for a person's Family and Property.
The citizenry are responsible for their own safety and are the first responders to their own well-being should any event take place that jeopardizes their health and safety. Therefore, all owned firearms should be kept at the ready for a minute's notice.
This serves as a deterrent:
No foreign nation would invade the United States either in times of war or peace, especially if it's an armed society. This would deter most crime or foreign militaries.
The only time a citizen is forbidden and forfeits their right from the use, ownership, or carry of a firearm is if they have been convicted of a felony.
However, even if a criminal acquires a firearm either illegally or manufactures it themselves, an armed citizen, as mentioned, is responsible for their own safety of life and property.
If the intent is to cause harm, citizens have the responsibility to act in protecting themselves. This would deter most criminal activity; however, not all criminals would be deterred. This is human nature.
Even if military-grade weapons are made easily and readily available to citizens through the free market, most citizens would not carry anything other than a rifle at most, due to circumstances or feasibility.
#2ndAmendment #GunRights
#FirearmsPolicy #ConstitutionalRights
#SelfDefense #RightToBearArms
#GunOwnership #ArmedCitizenry
#Liberty #Freedom
#Militia #OpenCarry
#CrimeDeterrence #NationalSovereignty
DOGE is walking into the IRS.
Remember those guys? The ones who tried hiring 80,000 'ARMED' agents to claim your owed taxes, going door to door.
We may see an end to the corruption within the IRS ag... View MoreDOGE is walking into the IRS.
Remember those guys? The ones who tried hiring 80,000 'ARMED' agents to claim your owed taxes, going door to door.
We may see an end to the corruption within the IRS agency, and this may be the time we experience a first time flat tax law.
As a people we need to urge our government to have a no more than 10% flat tax of yearly income.
If DOGE and the American government does close down the IRS due to corruption, and installs a 10% annual flat tax of yearly income.
This will force the government to hold a budget and stay within the limits of a budget.
Check out my proposal for a 10% flat tax of yearly income, backed currency, and abolishing the IRS.
#FlatTax #TaxReform #IRS
#TaxPolicy #GovernmentSpending
#BudgetDiscipline #CurrencyBacking
#TaxFairness #DOGE #GovernmentCorruption
#PoliticalChange #EconomicPolicy
#Taxation #SimplifyTaxes
#AbolishIRS #TaxLaw
Strauss McKai (@Darth_Phantom7) on X
The lowest you will ever see any politician will go is 5% flat tax. This will become a very rare occurrence.
The majority of politicians will want anywhere from 12 - 25% flat tax if this should becom
Congratulations to our new Secretary of Health, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (@RobertKennedyJr)
Do the United States of America proud and healthy.
The lowest you will ever see any politician will go is 5% flat tax. This will become a very rare occurrence.
The majority of politicians will want anywhere from 12 - 25% flat tax if this should becom... View MoreThe lowest you will ever see any politician will go is 5% flat tax. This will become a very rare occurrence.
The majority of politicians will want anywhere from 12 - 25% flat tax if this should become law.
In order to maintain a 5% flat tax, you would need a Calvin Coolidge.
Therefore, you want a 10% flat tax made into law.
Strauss McKai (@Darth_Phantom7) on X
@POTUS @realDonaldTrump, @elonmusk
A Vision for Governance: Flat 10% Tax
The Principle: With a 10% flat tax, 10 cents of every dollar goes to taxes, leaving you with 90 cents back in your pocket, wh
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