The radical generations raised children who hate authority. The authority hating generation raised children hating their parents. The hating of parents and authority generation will raise their childr... View MoreThe radical generations raised children who hate authority. The authority hating generation raised children hating their parents. The hating of parents and authority generation will raise their children, a generation who hates their entire generation.
You raise a generation of canceling and boycotting to oblivion. Ultimately, they will cancel themselves to oblivion. It's an ever consuming cycle that'll eventually starve itself out of existence.
With Donald Trump's second term in office and if done correctly. Food, prescription, and medicines will be the best and most natural our generation will ever experience.
If this administration and
@RobertKennedyJr wants a healthier nation. We will need to significantly lessen all chemicals and dyes used before, during, and after production. Producing everything from... View MoreIf this administration and
@RobertKennedyJr wants a healthier nation. We will need to significantly lessen all chemicals and dyes used before, during, and after production. Producing everything from food, medicine, prescription, technologies, goods, and services. This includes government regulations and oversight.
It is without question that God almighty demands mankind takes an interest in the political affairs of his nation. Man needs to stay vigilant against the possible evils behind closed government doors,... View MoreIt is without question that God almighty demands mankind takes an interest in the political affairs of his nation. Man needs to stay vigilant against the possible evils behind closed government doors, for in secret and without any form of transparency comes an authoritarian dictator. If man stays silent, and chooses to ignore evil and refuses to address concern.
That man is guilty of the same sin, for God will not hold guiltless the gutless man, and shall be judged as an equal. If man calls on the grace of God for help, then man must also step up and do his part. For God helps those who help themselves.
I am not going to dispute the possibility of rogue plants, bodies, objects, and phenomena in space. I believe there is a stupendous amount of undiscovered out there.
While I disagree with my fellow s... View MoreI am not going to dispute the possibility of rogue plants, bodies, objects, and phenomena in space. I believe there is a stupendous amount of undiscovered out there.
While I disagree with my fellow scientists and their explanations of everything, i.e. black holes.
I am not sold on the idea of a visiting rogue planet in our system. I have done my research and understand the whole idea of Nibiru. I, too, once believed in the possibility.
As of late, my thoughts on this matter is the possibility of a stellar phenomena influenced hieroglyphics, symbolism, star of David, Bethlehem star, etc.
Concerning your stance. Old Testament, old religion. I do not see it as an old religion or in your words "leftover religion."
I view the Old Testament as you would an old antique or family heirloom. The truest form or foundation of Christianity. Something to be prized and held, occasionally dusted and reviewed.
I truly believe as Christians we have to constantly review the old in order (not only) to appreciate, but set to understand our origins. Without this understanding, it would be like slaves who do not know who they are or where they come from, which is the worst form of slavery.
Take our historical monuments and figures, and remove them, now wait a few generations and what do you have? An ignorant people who do not know and understand their history, left to the hands of evil and they (evil hands) can change, alter, or edit history as they please. Who would stop them? The same holds true for all religion and faith, and all nations present and future. Also the spoken tongues of old..
If a man destroys the wicked man without mercy and without hesitation, even without the fairest objectionable trial. That man is and has committed an equal wicked sin and is an equal in the eyes of th... View MoreIf a man destroys the wicked man without mercy and without hesitation, even without the fairest objectionable trial. That man is and has committed an equal wicked sin and is an equal in the eyes of the Lord. You can not commit yourselves to merciless brutality and expect a heavenly reward. A nation's citizenry that has no sympathy for his fellow man shall not receive any sympathy from the watchful eye of the world. Your no-holds-barred attitude will grant you no allies on earth or in heaven.
I have been told by my family of the Christan faith to reject the Old Testament books as they are zero value, unimportant, or if no consequence. But I say, the man that does not study the New Testame... View MoreI have been told by my family of the Christan faith to reject the Old Testament books as they are zero value, unimportant, or if no consequence. But I say, the man that does not study the New Testament has zero virtues in the eyes of the father in heaven. I am a history buff and a man of logic and science. I study the Old Testament because I understand the importance of historical reference and the values of the ancients that need to be passed down generational. Historical lessons passed down by the ancient generations while holding the sacred truths of the new books and Revelations.
I have been told on occasion that I am guilty of subversion and borderline heresy concerning my practices, thoughts, and speaking of the Christian faith. I believe that as Christians, it is our duty t... View MoreI have been told on occasion that I am guilty of subversion and borderline heresy concerning my practices, thoughts, and speaking of the Christian faith. I believe that as Christians, it is our duty to expand our horizons and explore new avenues of our faith. How many of these practices once considered a great heresy are now something every Christian practices and holds as true? Let's look at Jesus Christ as an example or many other Saints the world put to the stake of fire, nailed, and or brought to torment for their talks, beliefs, and practices. It is a subversion and heresy to stay and grow stale in one practice, for it leads to a religious prison and persecution for those who dare to think.
Here is an example of communism invading all manner of faith. Have you ever heard someone say, "No matter what happens, it's all in the creators hands and will." This expression is only partially true... View MoreHere is an example of communism invading all manner of faith. Have you ever heard someone say, "No matter what happens, it's all in the creators hands and will." This expression is only partially true. Yes, the great author and creator has made plans and a will that will never not come to pass. However, man has an equal responsibility too. Man is often lazy, even in matters concerning the spirit, and man can be flippant about events in life, but suppose from their own laziness, they cause their own environment to reflect North Korea or worse. Communism will thank them, but God will not be happy in the lazy work you happily obliged, allowing evil to prevail. And suppose you failed in exacting God's plan.
What if I told you the communist have infected just about every facet of human life since its conception, would you believe? This includes religion, not just any, but all religion and matter of faith.... View MoreWhat if I told you the communist have infected just about every facet of human life since its conception, would you believe? This includes religion, not just any, but all religion and matter of faith. Suppose I speak out against these practices and told you about these, but called a transgressor for my speaking...
They say you can tell a lot about a person just by their book library. My library is filled with books of history, politics, religious books and texts, and various educational books.
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