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Sterling Hill
Did you know that glycine is the most abundant amino acid in the universe and is what terraforms organic life on planets so that we can live? Glycine and serine are involved in this process of terraf... View More
Sterling Hill
Do any of you realize that hydroxyl graphene aka hydroxy gel is going to be in the new vaccine by Moderna and Pfizer ? What is this stuff exactly? Nanobots that have been designed by DARPA Now yo... View More
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Sterling Hill
And the ignorant people will not watch this all the way, they will not look at Pfizer and Moderna's ingredients/excipients and adjuvants. Hydroxyl graphene + mRNA1273 = CRISPR It is NOT far away. ... View More
Sterling Hill
Get your eyes off of the clown show on MSM and put your eyes on the January upgraded franken V and the upcoming vacadoodle. The other stuff is to stop you from realizing they are about to cyborg the i... View More
Sterling Hill
Remember ignorance is not bliss. It kills. They do not have your best interest at heart. Biological tissue (you) will be fused with robotics. You will be infused with the internet of things. You will ... View More
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