Do any of you realize that hydroxyl graphene aka hydroxy gel is going to be in the new vaccine by Moderna and Pfizer ?
What is this stuff exactly?
Nanobots that have been designed by DARPA
Now yo... View MoreDo any of you realize that hydroxyl graphene aka hydroxy gel is going to be in the new vaccine by Moderna and Pfizer ?
What is this stuff exactly?
Nanobots that have been designed by DARPA
Now you know why there is such a huge push for 5g.
And this will be how mankind is wiped out.
With the press of a button.
Their reset cannot happen without this. And if any of you think that this is a conspiracy think again. It is all the elite are talking about and world leaders as well.
What can this tech do?
Gene edit (Look and the owner of Fakebook I'm almost sure that is why his face is not normal)
Can put thought patterns in your brain
Can control your mood
Can read your heart rate
Can read your glucose
Can read your blood pressure
Can tell if you have taken illicit drugs
Can regulate your sperm
Will track you 24/7
A mad hacker or dictator can take you out in a second
A mad dictator can take out the poor, disabled , elderly or ones with genetic defects.
Do you really want this in you?