On Friday, the Texas Supreme Court issued a ruling that will make it far harder for pro-abortion forces to challenge the state’s new heartbeat law. The law, passed in May of last year and signed by Go... View MoreOn Friday, the Texas Supreme Court issued a ruling that will make it far harder for pro-abortion forces to challenge the state’s new heartbeat law. The law, passed in May of last year and signed by Governor Greg Abbott, makes most abortions in Texas illegal once a fetal heartbeat can be detected, which is often as early as six weeks into a pregnancy.
In December, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed the law to remain in place despite a challenge by the Biden administration. But the high court also allowed a challenge against the law to proceed via a narrow road that allows state laws to be challenged by federal officials who can sue state officials administering the law.
On Friday the Texas State Supreme Court ruled that only private citizens, not state officials, can enforce the law, which allows people to sue an abortion provider or assistant who does the procedure after a fetal heartbeat can be detected. That ruling essentially ends the narrow avenue that existed allowing federal officials to challenge the law.
The Texas Heartbeat Law was written in a way designed to prevent overzealous judicial review. It has long been a tactic of pro-abortion forces to attack pro-life laws on technicalities, allowing pro-abortion judges to create work-arounds or to effectively nullify such laws.
We must feel sorry for Vice President Kamala Harris. She’s in way over her head and is increasingly ridiculed for spewing great gouts of gibberish when she answers reporters.
Her favorable rating is ... View MoreWe must feel sorry for Vice President Kamala Harris. She’s in way over her head and is increasingly ridiculed for spewing great gouts of gibberish when she answers reporters.
Her favorable rating is in negative numbers.
But we must also feel the absolute terror that her boss, President Biden, is 78 years old, shows increasing signs of dementia and that Harris would, should he die or have to resign, take his place.
A sample of Harris’ recent media appearances suggests that Americans must pray, and pray hard, that Biden lasts his full term, then loses reelection to a Republican. If he defeats his next GOP opponent but Republicans take back Congress, they have no choice. They must impeach Biden and Harris to remove them from office so that the Speaker of the House assumes the presidency.
Bad as Biden is, having set the country on a dangerous, self-destructive course, Harris will be worse. Much worse.
Harris’ latest disaster came in answering a question on the NBC’s Today show about sanctions on Russia’s gas and oil industry as punishment for its invasion of Ukraine.
The veep began by lauding Germany for its decision to halt the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline from Russia.
Then she added this:
As it relates to what we need to do domestically as well as what we need to do in terms of this issue generally, we have, as the president said, reevaluated what we’re doing in terms of the Strategic Oil Reserve here in the United States to make sure that it will not have an impact, or we can mitigate the impact on the American consumer.
The average price of gas is $3.61 per gallon, up from $2.53 when Biden took office. SPR holds 727 million barrels of oil. Americans use 15-20 million barrels per day.
Biden has touted his own status as a “good Catholic.” After his private audience with Pope Francis in October, Biden told the press that the pope was “happy I’m a good Catholic.” And — seeming to eith... View MoreBiden has touted his own status as a “good Catholic.” After his private audience with Pope Francis in October, Biden told the press that the pope was “happy I’m a good Catholic.” And — seeming to either forget or just not care that Christ said that when one is fasting, he should keep it to himself (not letting the right hand know what the left hand is doing) — Biden made it known Wednesday that he “prayed and met with a cardinal” — which may be where he received the ashes on his forehead, symbolizing that we are “dust, and to dust [we] shall return.” He went on to tell reporters that he gave up “all sweets” for Lent, saying, “I start off with dessert. No ice cream, nothing.”
See, he gave up sweets for 40 days. He must be a “good” and “devout” Catholic.
Except that he isn’t.
Because “good” and “devout” Catholics are called to protect the lives of the unborn — not to sacrifice them to what Mother Teresa (an actual “good” and “devout” Catholic) called a “culture of death.” And Biden — at least in the presidential phase of his life — has been an outspoken champion for the “right” of women to kill their unborn children. He is the ostensible head of an administration that pushes radical pro-abortion legislation such as the Equality Act and the Women’s Health Protection Act. And he has called for abortion to be enshrined into federal law to prevent any opposition to the killing of unborn babies.
Joe Biden may be Catholic (in the sense that he was baptized Catholic and maintains his parish membership), but he is what older catechisms called a “bad Catholic.”
And it is not just this writer denying that Biden is a “good” and “devout” Catholic. In fact, the teaching of the Catholic Church is firm on this point: Catholics who deny or publicly advocate against the Church’s teaching on this issue are in mortal sin and are not “Catholics in good standing.” They are not even supposed to receive communion.
And while the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has failed in its duty to hold Biden accountable by denying him communion (for both his sake and the sake of those who are scandalized by his actions), at least two Catholic organizations have taken him to task.
As Biden answered questions from the press on Ash Wednesday, EWTN reporter Owen Jensen confronted him, asking, “How do you support abortion as a Catholic, defying Church teaching?” Biden started his answer by saying, “I’ll tell you what — I don’t want to get into a debate with you on theology, but you know —” at which point Jill Biden (who jumped into action walking toward Biden and the press as soon as the question was asked) tapped Biden, appearing to call him off of the question. He stumbled over his words for a second and then wrapped up by saying, “I’m not going to make a judgment for other people.”
Biden Refuses to Answer Question About How He Can Support Abortion as a Catholic - The New American
Biden's clear support for abortion shows that he is not a "good" or "devout" Catholic, and that he has no faith and no integrity. ...
Americans Look North into Canada
Hello, my friends,
Canada failed this week.
Although the country is supposedly a “liberal democracy,” supreme leader Justin Trudeau invoked the country’s emergency... View MoreAmericans Look North into Canada
Hello, my friends,
Canada failed this week.
Although the country is supposedly a “liberal democracy,” supreme leader Justin Trudeau invoked the country’s emergency act to inaugurate a police state in order to clear out the trucker protest from the nation’s capital of Ottawa. There, the truckers had enjoyed barbecues, music, and bouncy houses for kids while calling for an end to mandates forcing Canadians to take a vaccine that is proving to be deadly.
The Trudeau regime — for it truly is a regime in the sense that it is now presided over by an unaccountable strongman — literally sent the cavalry into the crowd to stamp out the protest on Friday, February 18. Cellphone video captured the moment Canadian storm troopers mounted on horseback pushed into the crowd of innocent citizens, literally trampling them into the ground. A horrifying screengrab from a video appears to show one of the horses stepping on the back of a woman lying on the ground. It is highly unlikely she escaped the incident without serious injury.
Canadian journalist Joe Warmington noted the photo of this horrible crime in a column for the Toronto Sun. “Turns out the lasting image of the Freedom Convoy protest at Parliament Hill will not be bouncy castles but that of a woman with a walker being trampled by a police horse,” he wrote.
This was a despicable crime — and not the only one — conducted by officers acting on behalf of a government that has decided it is no longer to be restrained by law. Under the law, the use of the Emergencies Act must be approved by Parliament after it is implemented by the prime minister. Canada no longer is governed by Parliament, however, but instead is a one-man dictatorship — and that one man was “enjoying” the Olympics being held in Communist China while his stormtroopers were beating innocent Canadians in the streets, as Warmington noted on Twitter.
“Martial law, no media allowed to cover it, debate on unnecessary Emergencies Act suspended, bank accounts seized and Justin is watching the Olympics,” the outraged journalist wrote.
Keep in mind, there was no violence at any time during the weeks-long protest in Ottawa. Canadians worried that their rights were being violated by government mandates — the mandates being themselves a crime against human rights — simply sought through peaceful demonstration to reclaim their right to be secure against forced medication. The only violence occurred when Justin Trudeau’s storm troopers busted into the crowd, trampling them with horses and beating them with rifle butts.
How could this have happened in Canada, of all places? One answer is that Canada does not have a Bill of Rights. Instead, Canadians have their “Charter of Rights and Freedoms.” Sure, that document purports to offer “guarantees” of “the rights and freedoms” it outlines as belonging to Canadians, but it does so with the important proviso that those rights and freedoms are subject to “reasonable limits prescribed by law.”
If rights and freedoms can be restricted by “reasonable limits prescribed by law,” then, ultimately, those rights and freedoms don’t actually exist — they are mere privileges to be revoked at the whim of whoever runs the government.
Contrast this with the U.S. Bill of Rights. The First Amendment, for example, reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
The First Amendment doesn’t say “Congress shall make no law except…” Instead, it just states plainly that “Congress shall make no law….” In the United States, the federal government is legally barred from interfering with the exercise of religion, free speech, and assembly, among other things. This is simply not true in Canada.
And so Canada, like most places around the world, has always had the foundation of dictatorship embedded within its system of government, even if the people there have been unaware of it. Certainly, after the events of February 18, most Canadians should be aware of the danger they face.
But citizens of the United States should feel neither smug nor secure within the borders of their great Republic, for lurking within the seat of power in Washington, D.C., lies a heart of darkness, concentrated in the liberal-progressive Deep State and gnawing ceaselessly like a gravitational singularity within the breast of the antique warmonger Joe Biden.
Biden and his handlers and enablers almost certainly look north with glee, admiration, and envy. They would like nothing more than to see the Constitution that restrains their own desires for ultimate and unaccountable power burned to the ground and its ashes consigned to the dustbin of history so that they can rule from Washington as Trudeau does from Ottawa.
Indeed, on February 3, Biden himself made the claim of the Bill of Rights that “there’s no amendment that’s absolute.” Certainly he wishes that were true, but, fortunately for Americans, it is not — the U.S. is not Canada.
But it could easily enough become Canada. There are innumerable threats to the Constitution and its all-important Bill of Rights. These include threats not only from the totalitarian Left represented by Biden but also from some people claiming to be conservatives and libertarians. From that side come activism calling for a new constitutional convention, editorial rumblings that states should consider secession, and even deluded nonsense about the possibility of some future civil war. This latter is to be condemned in the strongest terms as unacceptable, but any threats to the Constitution need to be opposed with all possible vigor.
The Constitution and its Bill of Rights must be respected, honored, revered, and — most importantly — protected, because if it fails and is lost, then so too is freedom lost. And if freedom is lost in the United States of America, then the prospect of freedom anywhere in the world evaporates as little more than a wisp of smoke above an extinguished bonfire.
As American citizens, then, let us pray for our neighbors to the north that this moment of apparent triumph for the partisans of dark, dictatorial rule actually instead lights anew a bright flame of longing for liberty that results in a new flowering of freedom across the north.
In the meantime, let’s renew our vigorous support for our Constitution and Bill of Rights here in our own great Republic.
This isn’t the Koch Brothers’ GOP.
The Republican Party is currently undergoing a transformative period. The lingering influence of Donald Trump and the organized efforts of his allies and supporters... View MoreThis isn’t the Koch Brothers’ GOP.
The Republican Party is currently undergoing a transformative period. The lingering influence of Donald Trump and the organized efforts of his allies and supporters to purge the 45th president’s opponents from the party is paying dividends, with many former GOP power brokers gradually falling into irrelevance.
Fourteen top GOP consultants and operatives from around the country spoke to Axios about the party’s shifting landscape. In particular, they explained the way in which primary races have changed since 2014 — the last pre-Donald Trump midterm election and the last midterms in which a Democrat occupied the White House.
The operatives, who said they work with clients ranging from extremely pro-Trump to the establishment, explained who the former and the new key players are in four areas: institutional upheaval, endorsements, conservative media, and donors.
According to these individuals, the entities that formerly held sway in the party were: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the NRA, the Koch Network, Heritage Action, the Drudge Report, National Review, and groups such as Tea Party Express, FreedomWorks, and the Senate Conservatives Fund.
The new dominant figures are Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, family and aides to Trump, Fox News, Club for Growth, the Daily Wire, Breitbart News, Steve Bannon, Susan B. Anthony List, and online influencers such as Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, Joe Rogan, Dan Bongino, and Charlie Kirk.
U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) was also listed as a major power broker in today’s GOP.
This change in the “who’s who” of Republican politics didn’t take place overnight. Rather, it has been a gradual outgrowth of the 2016 election. During that cycle, much of the institutional GOP worked against Donald Trump. The weight they thought they carried evaporated when it became clear Trump didn’t need their support to cruise to victory in the primaries and then in the general election.
“You wouldn’t know that these groups were paper tigers — unless you ever ran against one of them,” one party operative said.
The Koch network, once the kingmaker of the Republican Party, has largely fallen from grace as far as its ability to influence conservative voters.
The Koch operation was once so vast that it was basically a parallel GOP. For years, it was the norm for Republican candidates to pitch themselves at Koch retreats.
But President Trump succeeded by breaking with Koch dogma, opposing the open borders and free trade policies the Koch brothers have traditionally championed.
Moreover, David Koch died in 2019 and Charles Kock is 86, making for weaker leadership within the Koch network.
Then there’s the Chamber of Commerce. Back in 2014, “Chamber Republicans competed against “Tea Party Republicans.” The Chamber’s goal has been to elect “business-friendly” politicians, which typically translates to free trade and flexible immigration policies.
Even the NRA has lost much of its influence. While having an NRA endorsement is still seen as a positive, a long trail of financial and management struggles has left the organization deprived of the money and organizational power to be a game-changer in politics.
Media personalities such as Tucker Carlson and Steve Bannon have become very consequential. The latter has played an enormous role in guiding the institutional Trumpian takeover of the Republican Party by touting Dan Schultz’ Precinct Strategy, under which Trump supporters are encouraged to join their county Republican Executive Committees in order to elect Trump-aligned party leadership.
The shifts in the power balance are a good thing for MAGA World. The question is, will it result in long-term structural change capable of restoring constitutional government?
James Carville, the legendary Democratic guru and former torpedo for the Clinton Crime Family, has a message for his party: Stop obsessing about West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, one of the last of t... View MoreJames Carville, the legendary Democratic guru and former torpedo for the Clinton Crime Family, has a message for his party: Stop obsessing about West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, one of the last of the moderate Democrats, and stop wasting money on unwinnable races.
He also told Vox scribe Sean Illing that wacky progressives like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (also known as Occasional-Cortex) have a tiny — very tiny — constituency.
Most Democrats are pretty much normal Americans like Manchin, he suggested. They aren’t unhinged demoniacs and broom-riding harpies who demand defunding police, slavery reparations, and partial-birth abortion.
I’ll Back Manchin
The occasion of the chin-wag with the leftist rag’s reporter was the latter’s indigestion caused by the failure of “Let’s Go Brandon” to accomplish anything.
“President Joe Biden’s agenda has stalled, Democrats are in disarray, and one villain looms especially large in the Democratic base’s mind: West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin.” Illing continued:
You can see where the critics are coming from. Manchin’s refusal to budge on issues like voting rights, his incoherent defense of the filibuster, and his opposition to programs like the child tax credit, which would so obviously help his constituents escape poverty, are hard to accept from this vantage.
Then again, he continued, Donald Trump beat Joe Biden in the Mountain State like a rented mule — the former POTUS shellacked him by 39 points. Thus, maybe Democrats are lucky Manchin even has the seat.
So Illing dialed Carville.
Carville first explained that Sleepy Joe doesn’t have the majorities that predecessors Bill Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama did, which is why his best laid plans are dead in the water (at least except for The Great Replacement).
Biden faces a 50-50 Senate, so the party must look to winning a couple more Senate seats in November’s midterms. That’s one reason Carville will support Manchin:
Manchin is a Roman Catholic Democrat in a state in which not a single county has voted Democrat [for president] since 2008. I repeat: not a single county has voted Democrat since 2008.
Politics is about choices, and he’s up for reelection in 2024. If Manchin runs for reelection, I’ll do everything I can to help him because it’s either going to be Joe Manchin or Marsha Blackburn. It ain’t Joe Manchin or Ed Markey. You got to understand that. It’s really that damn simple.
Carville delivered the bad news that the leftist blogosphere, its torch-bearing Twitter mob, and their phalanx on Capitol Hill could, figuratively speaking, hold meetings in the back seat of a Volkswagen.
“Look, I’m a liberal Democrat. Always have been,” he said,
But some of these people bitching about Manchin can’t see political reality straight. Six percent of adults in this country identify as “progressive.” Only 11 or 12 percent of Democrats identify as progressive. So let’s just meet in the middle and say something like 7 or 8 percent of the country agrees with the progressive left. This ain’t a goddamn debate anymore. Someone like Manchin is closer to the mainstream than a lot of these people think, and pretending like he isn’t won’t help the cause.
Democrat Carville to Party: Stop Attacking Manchin, Stop the Radical Messages - The New American
The legendary Democratic guru tells his party to stop obsessing about moderate Democrats and stop wasting money on unwinnable races. ...
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