WHO Threat to National Sovereignty
The Dem-Marxists, who rule the USA via the results of a criminal Election Coup made possible through the fearmongering vehicle of a COVID-19 (with a statistical sur... View MoreWHO Threat to National Sovereignty
The Dem-Marxists, who rule the USA via the results of a criminal Election Coup made possible through the fearmongering vehicle of a COVID-19 (with a statistical survival rate of 99% or better - which deaths could have been prevented by vilified yet effective therapeutical remedies and drugs) and Medical Tyrannical rules allowing fraudulent balloting.
Here are three cross posts related to WHO one-world governance power grab which is 100% supported by the U.S. Democratic Party (better described as Dem-Marxists): https://bit.ly/3wB5QNB#WHOterminatesNationalSovereignty