68 members
????????????????????????????????As of Aug 12 2020. This is no longer a group. This is a FAMILY!!!! Designed to bring the patriotic biker communities to your town and give support to small businesses, the police departments, active and veterans of our United States military. We dont stop there, Our mission is to help individuals or families in need of financial help whether its a child, vet, retired officer if you are a family or a community in need we will bring motorcycle presents to that individual, family or community to show support. We also give awareness for missing children. We are the Pennsylvania Bike Rally For Freedom #BeTheDifference. For more information please email pabikerallyforfreedom@gmail.com We would love to hear your story and help however we can. Everyone from every state is welcome.???????????? YOU DO NOT NEED TO LIVE IN PA OR HAVE A BIKE TO JOIN OR ATTEND EVENTS IN THIS FAMILY. ALL ARE WELCOME!!?????????