The department hopes to be able to access 10,000 cameras through the city through the program, which has been dubbed LAPD Live.
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When did we become the enemy? Remember this next time the police apologist media tries to tell you there is a "war on cops."
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American citizens that were doing something that required the use of deadly force.. please... Your facts aren't factual. Police stent perfect but the majority of them are righteous men and women doing a dangerous job. Don't want to die at the hands of a officer...obey the law. Simple stuff there pol... View More
This shows your total ignorance of reality. Go away and do atleast a tiny bit of critical thinking.
2023 was the most dangerous year on record for Americans being killed by police and there were only 20 days in 2023 where police did not kill someone.
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How many of those killed were doing absolutely nothing wrong, though?
Lots of folks tempting suicide by cop just to feed the narrative.
Personally I think they need a hell of a lot more of the right kind of training myself... but... whatever. Most aren't bad. But the bad ones are reeeeeeeally ... View More
It's embarrassing we even have to explain this
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Merry Christmas to everyone except for the police!
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