Trump supporter from day one. Truthsayer, God, Family, Guns, USA. Three percenter, time to the chain... View More
@StacyJayhawk - StacyJayhawk - Donald Trump Finally Slays Mark Zuckerberg!
Donald Trump Finally Slays Mark Zuckerberg!
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Attorney Lin Wood: President Trump Should Declare Martial Law to Hold New Election
The We The People Convention published a full page ad in the Washington Times on Tuesday calling on President Donald Trump to declare a limited martial law and hold a new election if the US Courts and
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people or changed who can see it, or it's been deleted.
So why isnt this guy hauled in to the FBI for questioning? Why doesnt someone turn over some machines for forensic evaluation in the interest of clearing the air?
Attorney Lin Wood: President Trump Should Declare Martial Law to Hold New Election
The We The People Convention published a full page ad in the Washington Times on Tuesday calling on President Donald Trump to declare a limited martial law and hold a new election if the US Courts and
Remember, there are millions of Trump supporters around the world and all looking on, rallying, praying and hoping for justice in this election as well. This is a global fight now of good against evi... View More