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Yeah been a member since 2020 but pretty sure I lost the app when I lost the phone. Official first d... View More
Misty Lucas
I tried. I like this platform even if it irks my nerves with dial up speeds. Glitches are not the issues. The issue is, I need more feedback. More conversing and exchange of ideas. Conversations with ... View More
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I tried Twitter twice. Closed it. Tried Facebook, shunned it. About the only thing I missed there is market place. Everything out there like that is terrible. I am a solitary individual, so maybe it is easier for me. I have a firm belief that social media in general has weakened the human experi... View More
April 10, 2022
Misty Lucas
Perhaps that's my issue. I don't wear a mask. I tell it all without shame or wondering what others think about it. (Generally not so good at the thinking part) social media seems to thrive in the superficial. Clones and drones and xerox copies of the same things. Echo chambers are real. Online is th... View More
April 10, 2022
Original50 replied - 1 reply
Michael f
Realize not all people can easily articulate their point if view, a reason we tend to be introverts. The mere fact the some respond with emojies or a thumbs up may be indicative of this. You on the other he and can prod a bit to evoke a more in depth response....
April 10, 2022
Robyn Hays
Robyn Hays replied - 1 reply
Misty Lucas
Matthew 19:10 Eunuchs were recognized in the Bible. Just because it is labeled as transgender in modern rather than contemporary terms doesn't mean it isn't the same thing. From the mothers womb. And... View More
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Misty Lucas
Yes. And it is my understanding that self proclaimed Christians are ministering to people trying to attempt to lead them to God while putting them through hell. I think people have trans confused with pedophiles. They are being lumped together by the extreme fundamentalists and the gap is widening.... View More
April 5, 2022
Neil EnemyofSatan Schaaf
Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to co... View More
April 6, 2022
Neil EnemyofSatan Schaaf
13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
April 6, 2022
Misty Lucas
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Misty Lucas
As a believer in God I am going to piss off some Christians today. Good. Hate trans? I know right. ew, so gross.. I mean what's their problem anyway? Look at them! Not knowing if they are boys or gir... View More
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Misty Lucas
Amen!!!!! Exactly! Yes.. this.. this is my point though I couldn't have put it so eloquently. I have been delivered. Practically a newborn in the grand scheme of things, many more learned come before me and show me the way through the love of God when they have taken time to tell me. I'm not absolut... View More
April 3, 2022
Will Jones
Will Jones replied - 1 reply
Misty Lucas
You wouldn't be able to convince my family! I'm the ugliest most shameful thing that has ever entered their entitled bigoted lives. And yes these demonic energies have been present for generations in my family. I am a walking symbol of their acts rather than what they portrayed themselves to be. Th... View More
April 3, 2022
Misty Lucas
I claim them in the name of Jesus and you are the first person in 43 years that has ever told me that. God bless you so much. I'm crying right now because I have spent my life unashamed but accepting of this idea that I am a child of incest. It was what I was told in occult rituals, that I was stain... View More
April 3, 2022
Will Jones
Will Jones replied - 1 reply
Misty Lucas
Land of opportunity or the opportunistic? The American dream was bought and sold a long time ago. Freedom went to the highest bidder. The melting pot of world culture has been a refuge for the fleeing... View More
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Misty Lucas
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