?? 2A ?? Retired US Air Force ??
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Operation Recovery
Operation Recovery is supporting Veteran Owned Businesses that are seeking
to repatriate American Citizens and Afghan allies. This is the bare minimum
that should be done and we are seeking to aid
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Non-Profit Organization
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Fran Riedemann
I have a very close friend who is currently back in the states after being a missionary to the people in India - therefore I have a personal interest in what is happening there. This is long, but well... View More
The Covid Crisis in India and Its Worldwide Repercussions
The Covid Crisis in India is more complex than you thought, and it has worldwide repercussions.
Links to more information and resources below.
Utah notice of medical fraud: https://healthindependen.
Ron Hale shared a photo
The So-Called COVID-19 "Vaccine"
Important information from Steven F. Hotze, M.D. on the Dangers of the So-Called COVID-19 "Vaccine". Source links can be found in Dr. Hotze's article on https://crtxnews.com/
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Scott Barnett on TikTok
Scott Barnett(@cummins_deluxe) has created a short video on TikTok with music Dirty South. #dirtysouth #cummins #cummins_deluxe #ryanupchurchofficial
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user1941150635244 on TikTok
user1941150635244(@customdecals4321) has created a short video on TikTok with music Welcome to My House. Send me a message to order ??