Kensington Street, Philadelphia: This Year's Winner of America's #ShitholeCities Award
Philadelphia - The Birthplace of American independence..
I hope you all make the biggest scene at your July 4th... View MoreKensington Street, Philadelphia: This Year's Winner of America's #ShitholeCities Award
Philadelphia - The Birthplace of American independence..
I hope you all make the biggest scene at your July 4th party this year.
We can’t know all the thoughts that coursed through William Penn’s mind when he chose Philadelphia as the name for his new city, tucked onto the peninsula between the Delaware River and the Schuylkill. What we do know is that he chose boldly, aiming for the vault of heaven, daring irony to strike. The name he gave his city combined the Greek words for love (phileo) and brother (adelphos), setting up the enduring civic nickname: the City of Brotherly Love. Then Penn gave his city a street grid, a charter and a diplomatic first act that he hoped would enable it to live up to that name.
He must be rolling in his grave today.
America is being ruled by an illegitimate regime and we need to wake as many Americans up to that FACT as possible. We have become a Banana Republic most of America KNOW the 2020 election was stolen. Look at our cities that are run by the far left. Every one of them can best be defined as a #shithole. This is what socialism gets you.
Kensington Street, Philadelphia: This Year's Winner of America's Shithole Cities Award
Philadelphia - The Birthplace of American independence.. I hope you all make the biggest scene at your July 4th party this year. We can’t know all the thoughts that coursed through William Penn’s mind
Now THIS is hilarious. I don't care who you are!
Holographic Apocalypse: Project Blue Beam Exposed
The threat of an alien invasion has been interwoven in the public consciousness for nearly a century. In the last few decades, many powerful and infl... View MoreHolographic Apocalypse: Project Blue Beam Exposed
The threat of an alien invasion has been interwoven in the public consciousness for nearly a century. In the last few decades, many powerful and influential people have introduced the idea that an alien invasion or a religious apocalypse could be the only two things that could cause humanity to set aside its differences and band together as a species. Where does this idea come from and who is pushing it? If the above is true, could the powers that be fake that situation to seize power?
Let's take a look at Project Blue Beam, a 1994 prophecy made by French-Canadian Journalist Serge Monast, which warned that the New World Order would seize power by faking either an alien invasion, or the second coming of Christ. Monast's predictions sounded crazy, but now, famous UFO "expert" Dr. Steven Greer is pushing this very same idea. With his connections to the Rockefellers, the Clintons, and the US intelligence community, should Dr. Steven Greer be taken seriously? Why is he pushing this idea? Recent supposed reported UFO sightings lend credence to the possibilities, don't they?
The infamous NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Blue Beam Project has four different steps in order to implement the new age religion with the Antichrist at its head. We must remember that the new age religion is the very foundation for the new world government, without which religion the dictatorship of the new world order is completely impossible. I'll repeat that: Without a universal belief in the new age religion, the success of the new world order will be impossible! That is why the Blue Beam Project is so important to them, but has been so well hidden until now.
Serge Monast born in 1945 - died December 5, 1996, and another journalist, both of whom were researching Project Blue Beam, died of "heart attacks" within weeks of each other although neither had a history of heart disease. Serge was in Canada. The other Canadian journalist was visiting Ireland. Prior to his death, the Canadian government abducted Serge's daughter in an attempt to dissuade him from pursuing his research into Project Blue Beam. His daughter was never returned. Pseudo-heart attacks are one of the alleged methods of death induced by Project Blue Beam.
There is much more documentation but character limitations prevent me from posting it here. A required companion piece to this article is an astoundingly accurate prophetic discourse presented by Serge in 1994 to the Canadian Free Press of Quebec, Canada. The planned NASA/Illuminati script that Serge revealed in that 1994 talk could be taken directly from today's headline news. The transcript of that talk is found here:
Holographic Apocalypse: Project Blue Beam Exposed
The threat of an alien invasion has been interwoven in the public consciousness for nearly a century. In the last few decades, many powerful and influential people have introduced the idea that an ali
I was asked by retired U.S. Army Major General Paul E. Vallely to circulate this .docx file as far and wide as possible.
Unfortunately, most social media outlets don't have a way to upload files.
P... View MoreI was asked by retired U.S. Army Major General Paul E. Vallely to circulate this .docx file as far and wide as possible.
Unfortunately, most social media outlets don't have a way to upload files.
Please visit this site and download the file and attach it to an email and send it to all the patriotic activists on your email lists. Simply click on the download link at the bottom of this post to download your own copy.
The Plot Thickens.
It seems FTX was also up to their eyeballs in a Pedophile Ring operating out of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. View MoreThe Plot Thickens.
It seems FTX was also up to their eyeballs in a Pedophile Ring operating out of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.
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