The Cost of The Status Quo
Cancelling the Keystone Pipeline - 8,000 immediate jobs, estimates of 20-40,000 supplemental jobs. Estimated Direct Cost: $1.9T (unemployment benefits, OPEC oil purchas... View MoreThe Cost of The Status Quo
Cancelling the Keystone Pipeline - 8,000 immediate jobs, estimates of 20-40,000 supplemental jobs. Estimated Direct Cost: $1.9T (unemployment benefits, OPEC oil purchases, etc)
Re-establishing the Federal Epidemic Task Force - Created 116 New Goverment Positions - Estimated Cost (From the 2016 Budget): $292M per annum
Immediate halt on the Border Wall - 4,000 immediate jobs lost, estimates of 10 - 15,000 supplemental jobs. Estimated Direct Cost: $190B (more than 20 times the cost of the wall itself)
Re-engaging the Paris Climate Accords -
Long Term Cost: $2.2T
By comparrison, the US generates a scientifically estimated 4% of the worlds carbon emissions, yet pays for 81% of the Paris CLimate Accords. Fair? The US also has the STRICTEST climate regulations and restrictions of ANY COUNTRY in the world, causing an estimated $950B in regulatory, tax, and mechanical costs to private business PER YEAR.
Re-engaging the WHO -
Immediate Cost: $550B
So.. we're paying for the same people who downplayed the Coronavirus and outright LIED to the WORLD, and have taken ZERO RESPONSIBILITY for the deaths their inaction have taken all over the world? Isn't that the same thing liberals and Democrats are blaming TRUMP for?
Congrats Joseph "Comrade" Biden.. on your first day, you've cost the American Taxpayer $5,427,000,000,000 ($5.4 TRILLION), or roughly $16,445.45 for every man, woman, and child in the United States. Added to the already $74,219 from our current federal deficit. For a whopping grand total of 90,664.45 per person that we'll NEVER pay back with the decades long trend of "spend spend SPEND" in DC.
And this is all before we get more regulations and costs for "racial injustices", COVID relief payouts, congressional pay raises, federal bail outs for failed state budgets that came far before COVID, and the dozens of other pet projects Bidens promised.
Your Welcome America... now someone show me where the nearest bread line forms so I can get my weekly serving.
And we mean EVERYTHING!!
9/11, Roswell, Haiti, Beirut, moon landings and bases, Cuba crisis, EVERY POLITICAL scandal and hiw much our tax $$ bailed em out, Pizza gate, Fast & Furious, Ukraine, etc et... View MoreAnd we mean EVERYTHING!!
9/11, Roswell, Haiti, Beirut, moon landings and bases, Cuba crisis, EVERY POLITICAL scandal and hiw much our tax $$ bailed em out, Pizza gate, Fast & Furious, Ukraine, etc etc.. Rip that veil down.. fuck em!
Restore Justice.. Heal our nation.. "fidelty in the rule of law"... "Tranform..reform.. a justice system, that doesn't perfom equally if your white or black".. "peaceful protestors last summer".. "de... View MoreRestore Justice.. Heal our nation.. "fidelty in the rule of law"... "Tranform..reform.. a justice system, that doesn't perfom equally if your white or black".. "peaceful protestors last summer".. "dedicated my career to upholding the principal's of a more just and equal America".. "ensuring all Americans are treated equally".. "restore integrity and independence in the DOJ"...
Spoken by the very people who brought you paid incarceration of minorities,
paid bad actors all summer named BLM and Antifa,
who brought you the crime bill of 1994, which until a few months ago was universally regarded as the most racist legislative document since Jim Crowe...
Welcome your new President and Vice President.
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